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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2018
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My Car
73 Mach One Q code

I wish i could have kept the orignal plates, but the yellow one from Oregon have been stolen during the travel..

Nice car! One exhaust pipe seems longer than the other and wrong gas cap for a Mach!

Right, it has been damaged during the transportation (one line fall down..). I'll have to fix this too.. But, up to now, i take pleasure to drive it.

There are also bit too long..

Looks very good. Post some more pictures and details please. Chuck
Yes, that will be done after sunday, i 'll take the car the my first show  ;)..

How is that the wrong gas cap? Unless a 71 with pop open. The striping on the trunk is not for 71 so I figured 72 or 3. All models had same cap except for the pop open. Replacement had cable and 71 & 72 had Autolite and 73 Motorcraft.

Pretty soon no mustangs will be left in U.S..

Enjoy your new toy. :coolphotos:

Nice car! One exhaust pipe seems longer than the other and wrong gas cap for a Mach!
Nice car! On the gas cap though, its not the wrong one. My red 73 Mach came with the same cap. Not all Mach 1's had the pop open.

Nice car! One exhaust pipe seems longer than the other and wrong gas cap for a Mach!
Nice car! On the gas cap though, its not the wrong one. My red 73 Mach came with the same cap. Not all Mach 1's had the pop open.
I honestly thought all Mach 1's came with flip open ones, sorry my bad!

Nice car! One exhaust pipe seems longer than the other and wrong gas cap for a Mach!
Nice car! On the gas cap though, its not the wrong one. My red 73 Mach came with the same cap. Not all Mach 1's had the pop open.
I honestly thought all Mach 1's came with flip open ones, sorry my bad!
The flip-open caps were only in '71.  I believe there was even a recall where the '71 models which had them were supposed to be replaced with the standard cap that was used until '73.  It was due to them popping open in an accident and spewing gas out of the filler neck.  This is going from memory- I haven't Googled it to see if there were additional details.

Well, mat vinyl on the hood is better...

I still have to correctly fix the front spoiler ..

New one...

The front spoiler has been moved to a correct place... and the hood is now mat black..

yes , this is a black mat vinyl. It's has been laid by a friend of mine. It's fast, and less expensive than a paint job. (about 150$) for the hood, and the air entries. It 's supposed to be more resistant than paint.

And if necessary it can be removed easily, with no traces.


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