Bad Day part 3

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2011 just keeps getting better....

I had to put my best buddy down yesterday. Mookie was an American Bulldog / Pit Bull mix, just shy of seven years old. The best, most loyal dog I've ever owned. He broke out of his crate last week and ate some of my daughter's toys, creating an intestinal blockage. The vet said he had too much damage and removing it wouldn't leave him enough to survive.

RIP Moo-man, you were such a good dog....


Sorry for your loss...I can relate. We had to put my cat down a few weeks ago. He was a good friend for 12 years but the vet said he had cancer all through his stomach. We chose to put him down before the painful suffering started.

Sorry to hear about your dog. It's amazing how important they can be. Hang in there!


That sucks man....dogs really do become part of the family....only time will heal

one thing about a dog..they allways love you...they dont care what you look like that day...or if your in a crappy mood...they really are special animals....lost my saint bernard few years back..he got arthirist so bad..and couldnt stand broke my heart to have them put him under..makes me all sad just thinking about it....we are blessed to have them in are lives.

Sorry to hear about your dog. I know how you feel. I had to put my pitbull down about three years ago. He was a month shy of 17 years old. I lived with both of his parents when he was born so he was sleeping with me even before he stopped feeding off his mom. It's always hard to let a dog go but that just means you where a great owner. Just be proud that for the time he was here you gave him the best life possible. A lot of dogs aren't so lucky.

Sorry for your loss. It's hard letting go of a good, close friend. Stay strong. :(

