I think we should all be ready for the China Virus


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Jan 7, 2015
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Western North Carolina
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Multiple Mustangs!
Ok guys and gals not wanting to create any panic but I think all should know this first hand info about the China Virus situation.

I lived and worked in China until 2015. Jobs there pay way more than the U.S. that is why on the news you see so many US citizens being flown back to run from the the Virus killing hundreds and can be a mass die off.

I had a friend that has been there 8 years. He married a Chinese gal and just last year got all her paperwork to come to the U.S.A. .I got an email from him this week. They got seats on the last plane leaving from Shanghai to the U.S.A.. They lived in Wuxi and not in the central targeted area of the virus.

What is disturbing to me is that they and everyone on the plane and many other planes were allowed to depart and go where they wanted with not quarantine at all from the Atlanta airport. This is first hand not mouth to mouth.

I myself will be getting a supply of medical face masks. They were allowed to get off the plane in Atlanta and travel to Spartanburg, S.C. with no testing at all. No they were not in the center of the outbreak but something so dangerous is being treated with too little detail by our government. 

It is up to you what you do but in China they are running out of medical masks and it is getting much worse. I myself will be prepared to not leave my home for weeks. 

I have never been one of those be prepared for anything but I see a mass die off of this world with this one. Our government is treating too lightly in my opinion. Up to you what you do but you have been told Chinese are being allowed in the U.S.A. with zero testing and can go where they want. Detroit is another hub for China travel as is Seattle Washington.  I flew out of all of them. 

Hope it all dies and nothing happens but can be really bad.

I told my friend i am not coming to visit until weeks have passed with no issue.

As David states above, I hope it ends soon also. What worries me more than no quarantine for those coming in at the airports is the situation of illegals crossing the boarders and bringing it. They will disappear within the lower class areas and it will spread like wildfire before it is reported. It's just a matter of time before there is a major pandemic and yes this might be it. Who know what it might mutate to and as with most viruses antibiotics are of little use. Although I wouldn't consider myself a prepper I have always kept extra dry goods, water and a bug out bag just in case things were ever to go south. I am also well armed to defend what is mine. Always figured I would load up my fifth wheel camper and take out west to no-man lands for awhile until things got back to normal - whatever that is now days in this crazy world.

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Ok guys and gals not wanting to create any panic but I think all should know this first hand info about the China Virus situation.

I lived and worked in China until 2015. Jobs there pay way more than the U.S. that is why on the news you see so many US citizens being flown back to run from the the Virus killing hundreds and can be a mass die off.

I had a friend that has been there 8 years. He married a Chinese gal and just last year got all her paperwork to come to the U.S.A. .I got an email from him this week. They got seats on the last plane leaving from Shanghai to the U.S.A.. They lived in Wuxi and not in the central targeted area of the virus.

What is disturbing to me is that they and everyone on the plane and many other planes were allowed to depart and go where they wanted with not quarantine at all from the Atlanta airport. This is first hand not mouth to mouth.

I myself will be getting a supply of medical face masks. They were allowed to get off the plane in Atlanta and travel to Spartanburg, S.C. with no testing at all. No they were not in the center of the outbreak but something so dangerous is being treated with too little detail by our government. 

It is up to you what you do but in China they are running out of medical masks and it is getting much worse. I myself will be prepared to not leave my home for weeks. 

I have never been one of those be prepared for anything but I see a mass die off of this world with this one. Our government is treating too lightly in my opinion. Up to you what you do but you have been told Chinese are being allowed in the U.S.A. with zero testing and can go where they want. Detroit is another hub for China travel as is Seattle Washington.  I flew out of all of them. 

Hope it all dies and nothing happens but can be really bad.

I told my friend i am not coming to visit until weeks have passed with no issue.
I know the hospital where I work has locked all entrance doors except for four and they are monitored.

Have to be screened before being allowed in.  You are then given a "label" to wear and don't be caught

without one or you will be escorted off the property.  They are apparently taking this seriously.


So is what we are seeing an overabundance of caution just now or is there something we are not being told? Lots of rumor and such. Cruise boats being quarantined, entire airplanes quarantined, Chinese by the 10's of millions with travel restrictions equivalent to a quarantine etc. My life hasn't changed yet but best to be ready.

So is what we are seeing an overabundance of caution just now or is there something we are not being told? Lots of rumor and such. Cruise boats being quarantined, entire airplanes quarantined, Chinese by the 10's of millions with travel restrictions equivalent to a quarantine etc. My life hasn't changed yet but best to be ready.
Probably being overly cautious, although the hospital I mentioned

is located in a county with confirmed cases.


I just do not understand them allowing hundreds of Chinese and Americans that were in China just get off the plane and go where they want. I lived in China and you can get on high speed train and be from bad area to Shanghai in hours. When something like this happens you cannot wait until it is an outbreak you have to stop it before it gets out. I think they just threw the doors open and let it out this time.

In China you do not live in a community of single family homes. You live in a high rise apartment building over 40 stories with thousands in one building using the same elevators and parking garages. The virus gets passed quickly. The town I live in had 7.5 million people, N.C. only has about 10 million in the whole state. Shanghai is over 25 million now I think. Most people travel on train, bus or taxi if they do not just walk or ride a bike. When you cross a street there might be 100 people with you at one time. Just a mass of people in very close quarters. 

My friend said that everyone on the streets in China had a mask on when they left. Some towns look abandoned due to everyone leaving or staying inside. Yesterday the reported dead in China was over 600.

The cruise ship thing is like it would be in China you are packed in with no place to go to get away. Those people are sure to all get sick. The AC systems on the boat are just a highway for any germs or virus there. You get sick on a normal cruise much less toss this easily passed virus in the mix.

While this virus IS extremely dangerous and cautions MUST be taken, it's no time to panic. 

As for Canadian people traveling from China to Canada, ALL that have been allowed to travel back are being quarantined at Trenton AFB (Near Ottawa) in a Hotel on base for 14 days, NO exceptions. Then they will be allowed to travel to their homes throughout Canada. 

This overpopulated planet will for sure be culled at some point in the future, whether it be from war or more likely a virus, either natural or man-made. The planet can not sustain 8 billion people without new technologies in food production and more importantly, waste management.

the other day my friends and I went in to look at booking a cruise to Bermuda. didn't like the selection so we went to dinner.. talking about the virus I called and put on hold any future bookings. like mentioned once on the boat there is no hiding place... we'll wait till next yr...

Coronaviruses have been around for a long time, and are one of the main reasons for sniffles and sore throats. However, this one has certainly gone rampant. If you're out and about try to keep some space between yourself and others, and if someone is sneezing and hacking get the hell away from them, sneezes propel it several feet. One of the case reported in the U.S. is in Seattle, just a 4-hour road trip away. My wife and I limit our outings to necessary trips, only, and trips to the grocery are to stock up at times when the stores aren't as busy, and definitely not after school lets out.

Like a lot of us on this forum, my wife and I are at the age where viruses and pneumonia can be fatal, so make sure you get your shots. You take your pets in for their shots, so take yourselves in for yours, too.

No reason to panic, just take a few precautions, like washing hands frequently, and carrying a bottle of hand sanitizer in your car (and use it), use the wipes the store provides to wipe off the handle on the shopping cart, etc. It will help keep you from getting other things like noroviruses and the flu, too. My wife was a nurse, so I've listened to these admonitions many times :)

Be well.

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Coronaviruses have been around for a long time, and are one of the main reasons for sniffles and sore throats. However, this one has certainly gone rampant. If you're out and about try to keep some space between yourself and others, and if someone is sneezing and hacking get the hell away from them, sneezes propel it several feet. One of the case reported in the U.S. is in Seattle, just a 4-hour road trip away. My wife and I limit our outings to necessary trips, only, and trips to the grocery are to stock up at times when the stores aren't as busy, and definitely not after school lets out.

Like a lot of us on this forum, my wife and I are at the age where viruses and pneumonia can be fatal, so make sure you get your shots. You take your pets in for their shots, so take yourselves in for yours, too.

No reason to panic, just take a few precautions, like washing hands frequently, and carrying a bottle of hand sanitizer in your car (and use it), use the wipes the store provides to wipe off the handle on the shopping cart, etc. It will help keep you from getting other things like noroviruses and the flu, too. My wife was a nurse, so I've listened to these admonitions many times :)

Be well.
Good common sense and well said. ::thumb::

I fall somewhere in between and believe that frequent handwashing and general flu precautions are necessary, but that we should be reducing out interaction with large groups, crowds etc. It is also a simply good idea to have a supply of non perishable food and stored water so that you can stay away from others if it becomes necessary. Be cautious and get medical care early if you feel bad. This will hopefully blow over soon, but even if it does, there is always another threat

The regular flu has already killed 10,000 people in the US alone this year and the flu season isn't over. Why isn't everyone in a panic about that?

The sky is falling...sky is falling...panic!!! Lol. Just everyone be cautious. I WOULD recommend avoiding cruises and maybe get some n95 masks. The USG hopeful will implement precautions as warranted. For folks in other countries do so.ething similar (I would imagine Canada would be synonymous with US). Get some giant bags of rice and canned goods. They are cheap so why not?

What I see this being different from the flu is there is no cure and no prevention. 

I went and looked at the latest update and there are over 40,500 confirmed case with 40,000 in China. There have been 910 confirmed dead. Takes your kidney function out. My daughter died from kidney failure and I watched her age 60 years in two weeks. Her own brother did not recognize her and thought he was in wrong room when he came to visit.

Those people on the cruise ships just keep spreading it. I would not want to be there for sure. 

I just think it was very irresponsible for our government to allow thousands to come to U.S. with zero testing other than taking a temperature board and departing the plane. Hundreds of people on each flight and they all go to different places so boom the bomb has gone off. Symptom are 2 to 14 days before they show up the flight from China is only about 12 hours not enough time to show up. Japan considers it bad enough they are testing everyone over 80 years of age. The World Health Organization has declared the situation a public health emergency of international concern. I got this info off the Newsweek web page. 

When I flew a lot and there was outbreak you were told when you got on the plan that if you arrived and had a temperature you and everyone 4 rows around you and beside you got quarantined. 

I do not run out to buy things. I can a lot of veges and could go a long time on what is here. 

It didn't get in all those other countries without someone carrying it.

OK so I have a comment on this and I have to agree with what David said about the US govt taking this very lightly. I just got back from Belize yesterday early am and when I landed in Belize about 10 days prior they were taking everyone's passport and checking for any stamps from Asian countries in the last 30 days and would not let them enter the airport at all but took them somewhere, not sure where. I saw a guy get hauled away about 10 people in front of me because he had been to Japan about a week prior. Coming back to US there was nothing, no questions by immigration customs or anything, no mention of virus or questions on where you have been.

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