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Sep 8, 2018
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Ross, Ohio
My Car
71 Sportsroof Bright Red.

Just wanted to take a minute to wish everyone the best of luck during these rough times in the upcoming day and months.  Doesn't look like it is going to slow down anytime soon.  Here in Ohio we just had our first 3 cases reported today in the Cleveland area.  I know NYC currently has the highest reported cases.  

For us older folks take extra caution to avoid crowds and confined areas.  From what I'm reading it seems that people in their mid 50's and older are at the greatest risk of serious complications and death.   Instead of going in the store use their pick up service.   Most of the bigger name grocery stores such as Walmart offer it.  Also, wipe down anything you might get in the mail or from UPS.  Sounds like the extreme but you only get one chance to get this right  I would also stock up on enough supplies such as water, can goods and other essentials to get you through about a 3 week period if needed.  Also keep plenty of medicine for cold and flu on hand. If this continues to spread it is just a matter of time before the supply of consumer goods will be effected. 

On a side note - a word to the younger members - don't panic over the stock market.  I know it is easier said then done but it will recover.   Moving money or selling off what you have will only cost you.   It might take some time but the market will recover.  Your age is in your favor.   

Wishing everyone and their families the best.

First - Stop listening to the media that the sky is falling.

Second - The flu has killed over 10,000 in the USA.

Third - Keep calm and just be aware and keep washing those hands (fingertips).

My wife has waited 1.5 years to be randomly selected by the government computor to get a Car t Cell transplant. She has Multi Myeloma bone cancer stage 4. Its the only thing left that can save her life. She has used up every new drug and old drug on the market. Her name is mustang Sally :)

Well last week we got the phone call to head over to Seattle for a 10 week stay. We was ( by the grace of God) selected to get the cell transplant. Yep.... we leave in 6 days.

Remarkable stuff. They take the white car t cells out of your blood, genetically alter them and put receptors on the white blood cells. Takes 3 weeks to do that. Then they inject them back into you.  These cells have one purpose in down and kill Multi Myeloma cancer cells. Dr's wont call it a cure yet cause theres not enough data. However if the treatment doesnt kill you first? the Car t cells will kill 100% of the cancer cells. Virtually every time. They schedule you for 1 year follow up appointments before the thats encouraging.

Now, the rest of the story. The special hospital is in Seattle and right next to you guessed it? Kirkland where all the corona virus patients are being taken. Like we need another challenge from a shift of wind. I just seen on the news that 4 patients have died from the corona virus in the very hospital that we are going to.

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Best of luck to you and Mustang Sally! Modern medicine kicks ass. Constantly amazed at what doctors can do with the right science, methods and technology. If it only didn't take stuff so damn long to get FDA approval. People die every day, willing to take the risk on new procedures, yet having to wait on things that we know can help them. I'm glad your wife can get this procedure done!

Seattle is amazing BTW. Love that city.

It is crazy and I posted early on. I lived and worked in China the people are so close that any small issue get out of hand quickly. live in a 40 story apartment complex with 4 elevators and see how fast it move. I was there so I know. 

The U.S took way to soft I had friend 4 weeks ago come from China to US with Zero testing and that was it. They wen to hundreds of sites. Crazy stiupid.

1st death at my local hospital, patient had been traveling and had underlying health issues believe the Patient was 70yrs old.

Downside for me is my partner is an Outpatients Manager at the same hospital!

Time to change the locks on the House  :whistling:

I do hope the treatments go well and kicks cancers ass.

I do not know why people run out and buy water?? It is not a water shortage. I would not bother with a mask either unless you are the one with the virus. Enters through eyes usually I am told by friends in China. You get on your hands and you rub eye and boom you have it.

Yes it is just a cold virus but a new one. So not medications you buy will do anything just something for fever 

and pains. As far as food I could probably go a year with all the home canned goods I have plus the stuff from store. 

My sister said she was at walmat other day and guy had a full buggy of dried beans and rice and canning jars. Was going to take out of package and put in the jars. That does nothing the bugs are in the food from the beginning, lol. 

People do lots of knee jerk reactions for sure especially the stock market. WHY? 

I do feel our government waited too late to prepare as usual. They allowed thousands of travelers in the U.S. with zero testing I know several that came in personally. 

China is saying the virus will go dormant in China about April due to warmer weather but will come back next year so it is here to stay. Might as well just let them all out and get it over with.

First - Stop listening to the media that the sky is falling.

Second - The flu has killed over 10,000 in the USA.

Third - Keep calm and just be aware and keep washing those hands (fingertips).
 True in what you say but the Coronavirus so far has a higher mortality rate per percentage of cases and seems to be affecting the older population more so then younger.  In fact, there is only a few cases of children having it since it original outbreak in China and they show little to no symptoms.   

It is the unknown that has a lot of people worried.  As we find out more about the virus and its long term affect if any will help calm people down.  The discovery of a vaccine would be a major step in calming peoples fears.

I do hope the treatments go well and kicks cancers ass.

I do not know why people run out and buy water?? It is not a water shortage. I would not bother with a mask either unless you are the one with the virus. Enters through eyes usually I am told by friends in China. You get on your hands and you rub eye and boom you have it.

Yes it is just a cold virus but a new one. So not medications you buy will do anything just something for fever 

and pains. As far as food I could probably go a year with all the home canned goods I have plus the stuff from store. 

My sister said she was at walmat other day and guy had a full buggy of dried beans and rice and canning jars. Was going to take out of package and put in the jars. That does nothing the bugs are in the food from the beginning, lol. 

People do lots of knee jerk reactions for sure especially the stock market. WHY? 

I do feel our government waited too late to prepare as usual. They allowed thousands of travelers in the U.S. with zero testing I know several that came in personally. 

China is saying the virus will go dormant in China about April due to warmer weather but will come back next year so it is here to stay. Might as well just let them all out and get it over with.
Mask will do little if anything to keep you from catching it.  First of all they have to have a N95 rating or higher.  Secondly, they have to be fitted properly in order to be affective.  I saw some people a few weeks ago buying standard dust mask thinking it would protect them.  It is the people that are sick that need the mask to keep from spreading it.  If anything, wearing a mask for long periods increases your chances of trapping bacteria and causing you to get sick.  I believe in having extra bottle water and food on hand for about 3 weeks.  You never know what might happen in this crazy world from natural disasters to manmade.

If this wasn't an election year, and Trump wasn't President, nobody would've ever heard the term Coronavirus.  Coronavirus has been circulating forever, it's just this particular strain that's wreaking havoc on people in poor health (i.e., those in sh!thole countries with substandard medical care, primarily).  The media is over-sensationalizing this to somehow make the current administration look inept (which isn't hard to do, considering containing a potential pandemic is damn near impossible to begin with, thanks to modern methods of travel).  Your chances of dying from the flu are substantially greater than COVID-19 - contracting it however, is no different than any other means of catching a cold or the flu.  People freaking out about suddenly needing to wash their hands more often for fear of contracting it makes me laugh - why haven't you been washing your hands all this time to help prevent the spreading of anything else that's potentially deadlier?!

As technologically advanced as we've become in just the past hundred years or so, it's amazing to think about just how much dumber we've become as a whole.  A good friend of mine used to always say that society was 3 square meals away from completely breaking down.  Every time people freak-the-Eff out when some world-wide over-hyped disaster scenario du joir is blasted out by the media just serves to prove his theory.

I don't wish any ill-will on anybody, but this too shall pass... probably right after the first week of November (if not sooner).

UPDATE, just got the call from Seattle cancer alliance. They have cancelled my dear wifes car t cell transplant due to the Corona virus. They took her off all Chemo treatments as a wash out period for the cell extraction. This was risky because without ant Chemo she is expected to last just 3 weeks. She has been off 2 weeks. Now the Drs dont know or dont have any drug to put her on. Sad day indeed.

If this wasn't an election year, and Trump wasn't President, nobody would've ever heard the term Coronavirus.  Coronavirus has been circulating forever, it's just this particular strain that's wreaking havoc on people in poor health (i.e., those in sh!thole countries with substandard medical care, primarily).  The media is over-sensationalizing this to somehow make the current administration look inept (which isn't hard to do, considering containing a potential pandemic is damn near impossible to begin with, thanks to modern methods of travel).  Your chances of dying from the flu are substantially greater than COVID-19 - contracting it however, is no different than any other means of catching a cold or the flu.  People freaking out about suddenly needing to wash their hands more often for fear of contracting it makes me laugh - why haven't you been washing your hands all this time to help prevent the spreading of anything else that's potentially deadlier?!

As technologically advanced as we've become in just the past hundred years or so, it's amazing to think about just how much dumber we've become as a whole.  A good friend of mine used to always say that society was 3 square meals away from completely breaking down.  Every time people freak-the-Eff out when some world-wide over-hyped disaster scenario du joir is blasted out by the media just serves to prove his theory.

I don't wish any ill-will on anybody, but this too shall pass... probably right after the first week of November (if not sooner).
Thank you Eric, could not agree more! Well said.

UPDATE, just got the call from Seattle cancer alliance. They have cancelled my dear wifes car t cell transplant due to the Corona virus. They took her off all Chemo treatments as a wash out period for the cell extraction. This was risky because without ant Chemo she is expected to last just 3 weeks. She has been off 2 weeks. Now the Drs dont know or dont have any drug to put her on. Sad day indeed.
Very sorry to here this Rod.

The sad part is, is that this particular virus appeared in China sometime in Dec but they did nothing drastic enough to contain it. So, all the Chinese tourists go out into the world on trips / cruises and flying spreading it all over. Also, the virus is spread to people visiting china during that time.

SARS was the same type of virus that occurred in 2002, in China and in the same type of wild food market place, and now 7 years later we are against the same thing. Isnt hindsight suppose to be 20-20??

The problem isnt the virus, those typically exist all the time in animals. The problem is the virus jumping from one i.e bat to another wild animal, now raised in captivity to be sold in the food market or black market and then jumps to humans.

The other thing I dont understand is that a Dr. from  WHO or CDC was talking about a vaccine being developed so that it wouldnt occur next  year. WHAT?!?! This isnt a typical cold or flu virus that is floating around every year!

This would not have happened if it wasnt transmitted from animal to human. If that chain is broken, there wouldnt be another virus outbreak.

Does this sound reasonable or am I miss understanding something?? If it doable, is another issue.

UPDATE, just got the call from Seattle cancer alliance. They have cancelled my dear wifes car t cell transplant due to the Corona virus. They took her off all Chemo treatments as a wash out period for the cell extraction. This was risky because without ant Chemo she is expected to last just 3 weeks. She has been off 2 weeks. Now the Drs dont know or dont have any drug to put her on. Sad day indeed.
Very sorry to here this Rod.
Agreed.  Hang in there Rod and Mustang Sally!  Hopefully, the current situation will improve and you guys can get back on track sooner than later.

The virus is a contact virus.  Best way to keep from inoculating yourself is not to touch your face.

It is airborne or atomized only for a short distance.  So wearing a mask is useless unless you are

in direct contact with a carrier.  This of course could be almost anywhere in a crowded society.

The majority of the masks your see people wearing are useless, those are designed to protect

the patient from me and not the other way around.  You need an N95 mask and be trained how 

to use it.  Several healthcare workers in Canada some years ago infected themselves with SARS

virus because they did not know how to REMOVE it properly.  The best protection is a PAPR.

Good luck wearing that around town.


The only sensible thing in this post is that COVID-19 is contracted the same way as other colds and flus:  being in contact with the virus.

True, as a class, Corona viruses have been around awhile.  But each one mutates and the -19 seems particularly heinous because of how quickly it spreads, and how deadly it is to a subset of the population (age, immune compromised or any of several common health conditions).  We have known about COVID-19 since January and the Administration chose to do nothing about it.  And yet you said if it weren't for it being an election year, we'd never have heard of it?  10,000 *deaths* not just cases in China, and the entire country of Italy has gone on lockdown...  and we'd have never heard about it?

But it IS because it's an election year we did not hear about it, nor take any advance actions sooner: POTUS doesn't want any bad news about anything under his Administration.  Well, who does?  But it's beyond politics:  70% of the population is likely to be infected.  We long ago missed the chance at containment (see "Italy").  The current estimated death rate is 3.4%, which doesn't *seem* that bad, but you do the math:  3.4% of 330 million people is: _____

Let's say you're not in a high risk group, so you don't find it to be a pressing concern.  Do you still have your parents, and how old are they?  Has anyone in your circle had diabetes, cancer, HIV, heart disease, respiratory disease or any of several others?

And as was posted about Mustang Sally (my sympathies), even if the virus passes you by or you only get a mild case, the sheer numbers of sick people will overwhelm our healthcare system.  Again, use Italy as an example:  they have a modern and sophisticated healthcare system and because of the number of sick people needed hospital care, virtually all other procedures have been put on hold.  So don't have a heart attack, a stroke, need cancer treatment, and on and on.

I am not trying to be an alarmist, but we have all got to be realistic.  70% of the nation will likely get it.  If you're in the non-risk, young-age groups, you'll move on; maybe even be asymptomatic (while still spreading the virus -- and a reminder, young people are not immune; death rates are roughly 1.2% per the CDC).  But age, along with existing conditions, starting at about age 50 the death rate hits 5% and grows until you get to the 80 and older population where it's 35%.  Let that sink in:  the odds are 1 in 3 people over 80 will likely die -- and that does not take into account what might/will happen when the healthcare system is overwhelmed and people can't even get to healthcare.

So, take it seriously, but anxiety and stress add to your vulnerability so equip yourself with the best and most accurate information you can. Sadly, it will not be coming from the Administration but there are many smart, loyal, commited and honest healthcare professionals putting it out there -- 