Any tips I need for replacing fuel line/tank?

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Feb 20, 2020
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North Georgia
My Car
1972 Mach 1 dark green
I have a new Spectra tank and Dorman fuel sender on the bench, just ordered a set of Classic Tube SS fuel lines today.  Are there any tips I have not seen here on the forum about installing the fuel lines I may need to know about.  I see there might be a little tweaking here and there but what else? 

  I filled my tank the other day (in my garage) and all of a sudden I had a bad  rubber fuel line, the one from the steel line thru the fender to the tube on the pump, it spurted gas all over.   Not sure if it was related to filling the tank at the precise time.  I did replace it with injector tubing as well as the small piece from the tank to the line.

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I have the SS tubes and it was a bear to get them formed up correctly.  You may consider getting a galvanized steel set because they are softer. 
Yeah, I too went with SS lines, preformed supposedly!! I had to twist the tank end almost 180 degrees to get it to line up. The rest of it fit pretty good without any tweaking. For sure, use injector grade rubber hose and PLEASE, no gear clamps. Use proper fuel line clamps only. I added a short piece of rubber over the SS line where it touches the frame, plus I added an extra fastener. 


I installed a SS one this winter. It was say 95% correct. I have to twist/bend the section that goes into the engine bay and around the rear wheel well. I used some good dead-blow hammer power.
