Jake's 15th Birthday


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Mr Mac

Well-known member
Jun 10, 2011
Reaction score
St Peters, MO/Harrisburg, IL
My Car
1971 Sportsroof
This weekend my wife and I were discussing what we could get our youngest, Jake, for his upcoming 15th birthday. For me, this was a no-brainer! He is going to get his permit but I figured since we will be starting on his engine in the next few weeks, why not get him something he can and will use from now on? I went to Sears today and ordered a 200 piece tool set for him and it should be here this week! I can't wait to see his face!

Great gift and this way YOUR tools may not disappear! When my two boys were young I kept finding my tools all over the place including the yard where they worked on their bicylces!

Yeah, I have a few rusty tools that were left by kids outdoors. I can just hear Jake now some thirty years from now asking his kids why they left his wrenches out in the yard. "My dad gave me those tools when I turned 15!"

Mr. Mac - Excellent choice! We did the same for our youngest son years ago, as he always had a strong affinity for mechanical stuff (read taking things apart and leaving them all over the place). Now he's a FT tech, doing very well both taking them apart and putting them back together. And his enormous tool collection and box put my stuff to shame. Feed the need.


I got a craftsman set for a gift a few times......Gives you such pride having your own tools...I treat them better than my self sometimes...lol..Great gift!! One that will last a life time.

If I new how to spell the Tim the Tool Man's grunts I would have just put them down with no other words but those but I have no clue.... great choice for a gift

If I new how to spell the Tim the Tool Man's grunts I would have just put them down with no other words but those but I have no clue.... great choice for a gift
I know exactly what you mean! :)

Excelent gift Mac!!... Besides Jake seems like a future passionate working guy!... I´m sure he´ll apreciate the gift :) Tell us his reaction when he gets the tools!
I'm pretty sure I'll have a camera ready so you'll be able to see for yourselves!

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What a happy camper he was last night! In addition to the set I got I also bought a couple of sets of combination wrenches, some pliers and a screwdriver set! After all the celebrating was over he retreated to his room to unpack and sort all of his new tools! Yep, he's happy!

