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  1. perryseth

    How to price my mustang??

    I see your point with these two FL examples- but I find when you dig a little deeper on the pictures and description, I’m much further along with interior, suspension, engine, trans rebuild. Again- because my interior is in pieces-I know it will turn off 80% of buyers. A buyer who excels in...
  2. perryseth

    How to price my mustang??

  3. perryseth

    How to price my mustang??

    I here you...I'm thinking it will add several thousand to have the interior put in. I'm up against my wife now ... we aren't dying for the money but she says "you won't do it, and you don't have time." Then it would be a gamble to pay someone to put it in...we have the cash we could use to do...
  4. perryseth

    How to price my mustang??

    Thank you for the encouragement...and it sounds like you are BACK IN THE GAME in a big way! I do look forward to buying another 71 Mach I in the future...that one is my favorite.
  5. perryseth

    How to price my mustang??

    More good advice...I don't have FB but my wife has used it before...I will investigate, Thank you!
  6. perryseth

    How to price my mustang??

    Thank you for the feeback!
  7. perryseth

    How to price my mustang??

    I'm literally on EBAY as we speak trying to list this car...and it keeps glitching back and forth. If I add to the item details, it automatically erases my payment terms...or switches back to saying I want the payment when the box is not selected. Been messing with just trying to...
  8. perryseth

    How to price my mustang??

    G-pune - The more I read...the more I'm realizing how I may want to pump the brakes and continue to grind through reinstalling the interior. Yes, tons of $ into the motor and I was figuring maybe for that special someone it would be worth it. What is interesting is to look at my car through...
  9. perryseth

    How to price my mustang??

    This is why I'm asking the are giving me a lot to think about. To be really honest...I don't have the time, but I could also make the time by waiting till summer to try and get as much assembled as possible (I'm a teacher). A lot of it has to do with my lack of confidence putting...
  10. perryseth

    How to price my mustang??

    Good point I didn't mention...No wrecks! I did back into someone when leaving a friend's house when I was 18 or 19 and just had the windows tented. It dented the deck lid that's it...that's why I recently replaced it. Thank you for the gpune!
  11. perryseth

    How to price my mustang??

    I agree...but don't have the time - Its a buy it like it is proposition. You will see from the list of goodies will make someone very happy "as is."
  12. perryseth

    How to price my mustang??

    I cut away all the wiring I wouldn't be using. It also comes with a professional laminated wiring diagram I bought online. Wiring is my weakness, but I made sure not to cut the most valuable. Again, someone who wants to restore it more modern and less for racing may want to start over with a...
  13. perryseth

    How to price my mustang??

    Thank you so much for all this info on the selling process!!
  14. perryseth

    How to price my mustang??

    Yes...I get that the missing dash and wiring will scare some folks...but if they are knowledgeable they will see how much of the hard work has been done. I would leave the wiring to keep it functional as is, or replace with a new Amazon harness for a few hundred bucks if I was going to want to...
  15. perryseth

    How to price my mustang??

    I can’t blame a lot of the lowball ideas of what the car is worth based on the three pics! A little back ground - The original engine/trans/rear are from my parents’ 71 Mach I my mom kept in the divorce (1985). It sat my whole childhood and I rebuilt the engine and trans with a guy from church...
  16. perryseth

    How to price my mustang??

    I will definitely be on EBAY, and I hadn't thought of FB Marketplace...I'll have to use my wife's account to do some research. Thank you Matt!
  17. perryseth

    How to price my mustang??

    Hello All- Unfortunately, I never got the chance to post much here and my days of being a mustang owner have come to an end. I have a 1973 Fastback I'm selling that is mid restoration. I call it a hybrid b/c it originally had the 302, I put the 351C2V, C6, and 9" rear end from my 1971 Mach I...
  18. perryseth

    Vehicles For Sale How to price my mustang - Honest Feedback Wanted - 1973 Fastback/MachI Hybrid

    Hello All- Unfortunately, I never got the chance to post much here and my days of being a mustang owner have come to an end. I have a 1973 Fastback I'm selling that is mid restoration. I call it a hybrid b/c it originally had the 302, I put the 351C2V, C6, and 9" rear end from my 1971 Mach I...
  19. perryseth

    Transmission cooler lines

    I bought the pieces from O’Reilly‘s and a bender and a flaring tool and just made my own. It wasn’t too bad at all and it’s nice to route them where you would like. Unfortunately I was in a hurry and still need to reroute one of them and it was a bear getting it on the C6 - my hand was having a...
  20. perryseth

    351 engine tear down

    One of the best things I read was to treat the process with the cleanliness and order that a surgeon would. Have your tools laid out in OCD fashion and keep everything extremely clean. Take your time and remember- YouTube is like the dad I never had- it came in handy for tips like setting...