F-ing HOA issue!


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Jul 3, 2010
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The OC (California)
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Do you know where we can get a custom car cover? Read on…We received a letter from our HOA about my son’s ‘69 Mustang Coupe. It is a running, licensed, insured, regularly driven, and often complimented/purchase offered vehicle. The HOA claims it is an eyesore. “The paint is severely degratiated”. They insist we cover it or garage it. Well—the garage is full, and covering it every day and uncovering it is a pain. So no. We were discussing this tonight and the idea of a custom car cover came up—here goes:
1) car cover with the outside of the cover printed with the image of a really crappy looking car. Like a 82 Chevy Citation, with faded, chipped, missing paint, moldings missing, rust through. A different color fender and door. Broken glass…etc! License plate that has letters F U HOA… Does anyone make something like that? We love this idea!
2) fully clear car cover. I can buy plastic and we can use that, but something more durable and permanent would be better. That way they still have to look at it, but the car is covered.
3) our long term goal is to use a clear coat on the outside to preserve the patina. it will look better, not sure it will satisfy the SS, I mean HOA, but it will protect the car’s patina a bit longer.
The sad part of this—within the HOA’s own parking lot I took pictures of 2 cars with severe paint issues. I then drove 4 blocks and took pictures of 12 more cars. If I have to do it, there are a lot of others that they are going to have to fight too. I think I may have a legal fight ahead—but I really want the “crappy looking car cover”. Anyone know of such a thing?


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That's insane, I personally find the two minivans in the driveways in the background of the picture to be offensive to my eyes. I feel they should have to cover or garage them, just for the pure ugliness they came out of the production line with that you can never improve, lol. I am not a fan of HOA's, I have had a couple issues with ours in the last 19 years since we built our home. I have found that a letter from my attorney rebuking their bull___ usually calls their bluff and they back down as they usually don't have the budget to litigate. I love your idea of the ugly hooptie printed car cover, if they do not make one of those, they certainly should, that would be hilarious.
That car is most certainly NOT an eyesore. I'd drive it in a heartbeat.

I love the idea too - but I'd be inclined to challenge them.

Do you have a copy of your HOA rules? Usually the intention is to go after cars that are visibly broken down and/or obviously not drivable. That car is nowhere near that state. To see them go after an older, drivable and otherwise clean car is ridiculous, regardless of the patina or faded paint. The paint I see in the picture is no worse than many newer cars with sun damage. If your HOA is going after that, then they need to hold everyone to that same standard, and I bet they can't and won't.

I suspect you just have one jackass who needs to be put in his or her place.
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I'd love to see the HOA docs, too.

But in the long run, you live in a neighborhood that has a "government."

If it were me I'd:

1. Read the HOA docs to see if their claim is defensible.

2. Get a normal car cover.

3. Possibly paint the car (I understand their may be financial issues there, and this may not be feasible). And there may be reasons to keep factory paint. I get it.

4. Move to a non-HOA neighborhood.

Even if the claim isn't defensible and you "win" the right to keep your car there, the HOA might try and make life more difficult than it needs to be.

Just an opinion . . .
There’s nothing wrong with the way your car looks, in fact it’s a damn nice looking car. You should be able to easily challenge the hoa. I am sure there’s nothing in the rules that say paint has to be perfect. Stupidity continues to reach new levels.
I agree with the others on reading the covenants, conditions, and restrictions for your HOA. I've found many HOA board members are not knowledgeable about what's in the CCRs and rely more on their opinion when issuing tickets and notices. Make them show you the exact section. Read the language specifically. If it's just their interpretation, then you have a case. I think you'll prevail with your licensed, registered, and regularly driven Mustang.
There’s nothing wrong with the way your car looks, in fact it’s a damn nice looking car. You should be able to easily challenge the hoa. I am sure there’s nothing in the rules that say paint has to be perfect. Stupidity continues to reach new levels.
Isn’t the phrase , “beauty is in the eye 👁️ of the beholder “
Like others said. Read the rules. Demand they tell you exactly what HOA rule or covenant was broke. Understand if you actually broke one, what the time limits are to respond and remediate, and the penalty related to not remedying by written deadlines. Do it all in writing.

Personally I think they are probably just being an HOA, using some loose interpretation of something to selectively enforce someone’s complaint or beef…

I think legally it would be tough to defend if you challenged, if it’s resident owned, tagged, insured, and operable….i have seen wording like “no work trucks, box trucks trailers, etc…” but yours is a legally registered passenger vehicle used for intended purposes….
Do you know where we can get a custom car cover? Read on…We received a letter from our HOA about my son’s ‘69 Mustang Coupe. It is a running, licensed, insured, regularly driven, and often complimented/purchase offered vehicle. The HOA claims it is an eyesore. “The paint is severely degratiated”. They insist we cover it or garage it. Well—the garage is full, and covering it every day and uncovering it is a pain. So no. We were discussing this tonight and the idea of a custom car cover came up—here goes:
1) car cover with the outside of the cover printed with the image of a really crappy looking car. Like a 82 Chevy Citation, with faded, chipped, missing paint, moldings missing, rust through. A different color fender and door. Broken glass…etc! License plate that has letters F U HOA… Does anyone make something like that? We love this idea!
2) fully clear car cover. I can buy plastic and we can use that, but something more durable and permanent would be better. That way they still have to look at it, but the car is covered.
3) our long term goal is to use a clear coat on the outside to preserve the patina. it will look better, not sure it will satisfy the SS, I mean HOA, but it will protect the car’s patina a bit longer.
The sad part of this—within the HOA’s own parking lot I took pictures of 2 cars with severe paint issues. I then drove 4 blocks and took pictures of 12 more cars. If I have to do it, there are a lot of others that they are going to have to fight too. I think I may have a legal fight ahead—but I really want the “crappy looking car cover”. Anyone know of such a thing?
We live in Florida and have an HOA. I truly do not think this is legal, but it may be in your state. If there is a guy who has a work truck and they banning him? This is crazy.

On that note, I got mine from California Car and really like it
HOA's should be outlawed.
I know some hate them, but I lived in a neighborhood without one and we had a lot of issues. Before we moved to where we are know we read the bylaws first.
I live in an HOA community. My wife and I have three cars and two boats We have a three car garage, so two vehicles are always parked in the driveway, however, if I put a boat in the driveway, ( show worthy drag boats at that), I'll get a letter. I decided to JOIN the HOA, so I could better understand people's needs , as well as my own. I ran for office and it was a 50/50 vote, with me losing by 1 vote, which is cool, half the people were for me. Anyhow, HOA bylaws are usually complained about by a neighbor who wants to do the same thing but had his hand slapped, so he turns you in to the HOA because he can't do what you're doing. But I digress..............why get too crazy over this. Everybody on this site is a car guy, or girl, and has really no issues with your car as posted, unless the other side has been dragged against a pole or something. so you are preaching to the choir here. Why not just get a nice cover for it? Show the HOA that you really do care about the car. I mean, you could paint it too.......but I'd bet you dollars to doughnuts if you did, you'd get a cover for it to protect the fresh paint any way. I, just this week, bought an all-weather cover for my Mach, since I do park out side in the driveway, and I couldn't be happier, bought it from California Car Cover.
My opinion, for what it is worth, clear it to protect the 'patina' and defend it as a custom classic car done in a fashionable trend (with pics of high dollar 'patina' cars to back up that claim). As such, any cover would damage the paint and It is an appreciating vintage car, not a depreciating ten year old commuter (such as the cars you took pictures of).

This would kick the whole thing to a higher level where they have to argue against 'custom' cars....and where does that go and where does it end?