Got burned... literally

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Dec 28, 2014
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Washington Twp. Mi
My Car
1972 Mach 1 Q Code
So I had a little accident on the 4th of July. IĀ tripped and fell into a bonfire. šŸ¤¬ Was at my sisters house on a lake that they had just moved into early this year. Was by myself at the time, so that made it worse. I was barefoot and I smashed one of my toes into theĀ corner of a brick paver. Got a bum leg from a previous accident, and of course thatā€™s the one I hit. It put me right up against the brick pavers which were knee high and I lost my balance and went right into the fire.Ā My left arm hitĀ on the sharp edge of aĀ piece of firewood and split my forearm wide open. That arm is already mostly paralyzed from the same accident that I broke my leg all up, so I couldnā€™t push out. Was kinda stuck, couldnā€™t roll out over the brick pavers so I had to put my right hand into the fire to push up and out. Son of a Bitch!Ā 

I didnā€™t know what to do so I went into the lake and sat in there for a few minutes, then made it up to the house which is quite a hike up a hill. Then my sister and brother in law took me to the closest hospital. They couldnā€™t do anything for me there, soĀ I had to go to the burn unit in Detroit. They rushed me by ambulance to there,Ā but I donā€™t remember that. Was in the ERĀ for 22 hours waiting to get a bed in a regular room. That was quite a trip in there, wow! Anyway I had surgery the next morning, everything went good and they didnā€™t have to do any skin grafts! Was in Detroit Receiving HospitalĀ for 4 days and then they sent me home.Ā 
I have 3rd degree burns on my left arm and a spot on my left side of my back. Then the rest of the burns on my left side are 2nd degree. I also have 2nd degree burns on the palm of my right hand and arm. I think I put my hand on the steel ring that was in the fire pit to help me get out.Ā 

Was looking forward to finally going to car shows and all the fun that goes along with summer. Not sure how long this will take to heal and will probably always be in pain from it. Just what I needed, more pain.šŸ˜¢ Thatā€™s about it I guess, thanks to anyone for taking the time to read through this!Ā 

I'm really sorry to hear about your accident.Ā  Hope you have a fast recovery and there isn't any long-term pain as you mentioned.Ā  Considering the situation it could have been a lot worse if you would have gotten your face burnt with no one around.Ā Ā 

If I was closer I be willing to help you out and take "your car" to the car shows.Ā  :biggrin:

Get well and try to stay safe.Ā 

John, I'm soĀ sorry to have read about this unfortunate accident, but so glad you were able to get the treatment (finally) to get you on the mend. I really hope there are no long term complications. Please keep us up on your recovery.


The quick thinking and getting into the lake probably helped a lot.

Ā IĀ hope you have a speedy recovery and do not have more long term pain.Ā 

Thanks for all the kind words guys, very much appreciated! Been hurting pretty bad last couple days after they took out the staples. And getting another prescription for pain meds wasĀ a bit of a pain, lol, but I got it taken care of. Anyway, thanks again!

OUCH ! ! !Ā  :classic_huh: Ā  .. That doesn't sound like a good day--
AĀ good job we (from these forums)Ā  weren't at your house on 4th July-- otherwise you would have gone to hospital wrapped in oily lint cloths, dynamatĀ and duct tapeĀ  :whistling:

I hope all heals well and quick...Ā 

OMG!Ā  Here's wishing you a speedy and painfree recovery.Ā 

Sorry to hear about your accident. Burns are never fun to deal with. Get well quick. I have heard good things about that hospital.Ā  Since that the hospital is inĀ Ā Detroit they have some of the best ER doctors around. They have seen it all!

John J

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