Well home from the surgery look like I am good to go.


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Jan 7, 2015
Reaction score
Western North Carolina
My Car
Multiple Mustangs!
Went to hospital yesterday and about 10:00 was in surgery to remove a growth in my bladder. Dr. had gone in twice and looked with camera and said it was ok. It kept bleeding and would block off the channel and would have to use catheter. It took a couple weeks to get a spot in surgery and did Covid test last week. When I woke up I was asking for lunch which the Dr. has said clear liquids. I got them to bring me a burger and veges, lol. I ate it all and dinner was chicken. 
Had zero pain after and none now just the fact that the catheter has two tubes one to feed the solution to keep blood clots out and an exit tube so that is not very comfortable. They pumped in 18 liters of solution in overnight and kept it flushed out. They got the test results back on the sample and no cancer so maybe I can get one more car built.
So I got home and pup was doing back flips when he saw me. 

I could not sleep in the hospital bed so going to bed early tonight. 

Back to sanding on the vert in a couple days. 

Just like cars, the older we get the more trips we make to the shop...

Congratulations on a successful trip!

Glad to hear everything is ok and you are back home David.   Take it easy for a few days.  The cars will be there waiting for you like they have for the past 50 years.  

David, I’m glad you’re doing well.  And do try to take it easy for a few days - just like your dog, the car will be waiting for you.

Glad to see you got'er done. God speed on the healing process!!

Well not doing as great as I thought. Thursday everything was great. Zero blood and no Issues, all plumbing working and zero pain. I was going Friday to get my bear and deer license so I could muzzle load hunt next week. Yea I know the gun weights more than my 10 lbs. lifting limit for a month but got to fill the freezer.
Well Friday I get up and cannot pee. I drink two coffee's, OJ, cranberry juice and water. Nothing. So I walk down to shop and get some corn and deer bait and go put in woods hoping to dislodge a blood clot or something. Nothing so I drink a Gatorade nothing. I call my sister to take me ER at about 8:00 pm. 
So they take blood and put an IV in and push a liter of fluid in no pee. They did ultra sound and nothing in bladder kidneys had shut down and not processing. Where does all that fluid go?
So they did CT scan with nothing conclusive. They put a catheter in and nothing and gave me an antibiotic and sent me home with the catheter in. I was home about 2:30 am Saturday. I mixed up big cup of Gatorade and went to bed. Finally kidneys started up again during night and have been processing since but lots of blood. Will go to surgeon tomorrow. They think a reaction to the anesthesia might have caused kidneys to stop.

I did vacuum some of the sanding dust out of the vert had to do something running me crazy not in the garage. 

My pup does not understand why we are not at the garage so he can be outside catching lizards. 

Keep us posted, man. We are all praying for you.

Ditto to all the great comments others have posted David. It's hard to do I know, but take it easy for a while until you're really feeling better. Life is short, don't shorten it any further.

All the best,

