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Stangin' ain't easy but somebody gotta do it!
Staff member
Jul 2, 2010
Reaction score
Latrobe, PA
My Car
1971 Mach 1
I've had several questions on how to become a VIP Member or a Site Supporter and what all is included! First off, let me say that every dollar you donate to the forum is GREATLY appreciated and is used for server hosting, remote backup hosting, domain name services and forum costs such as third party software developing, troubleshooting, etc...costs add up fast and I am very grateful to have a generous group here that help to support the site!

VIP Members get to take advantage of extra upload space and extra message storage space in their inbox's! They also get exclusive access to the VIP Lounge where threads can be a little more colorful at times! :cool: (The Mustang Babes thread is worth the price of admission alone!! :p) As a VIP Member, you also get a new ID badge under your forum avatar that shows your forum support! Site Supporters get all of this but even more upload space and PM space. There is also a special badge exclusively for Site Supporters!

Definitely some nice perks but the main thing is the support for the forum! Donations are not mandatory and never will be but they really do help keep the forum up and running safe and secure!

If you are interested in becoming a VIP or Site Supporter, please visit this link for more information!

The cost of being a VIP is only $25 lifetime! You can become a Site Supporter for $100 (or $75 for VIP Members) We also have options for giving an anonymous upgrade to another forum member as a gift!

We would love to have you join the VIP ranks and help keep this site flourishing but remember, the 71-73 Mustang information on our pages will always be available at no cost! Membership will never be's just for those that wish to help support the site!



What Barry (Rocketfoot) did not say is that "HE" is the one who is paying for all the services associated with running and/or maintaining the site and has done a TREMENDOUS job.

I think that most would agree that this is one of (if not the BEST) sites on the "Net" but it does takes a certain amount of treasure to maintain it.

The subscription for VIP Membership or a Site Supporters donation help to defray some of those costs.


With the amount of information we have received from this site becoming a site supporter was a very easy decision, we would have felt guilty not paying back in some way. It is certainly understandable that not everyone can justify spending the $100 to be a site supporter especially as easy as money goes these days but the VIP is something that should be doable. Just think about how much you have saved in the last six months with low gas prices. Then think about how much money you can save from the great advice here and do what you can to help offset the costs of running this forum

I have no idea how much work and money it takes to keep this site up and running. I am sure it is time consuming and expensive. I truly enjoy reading and learning about these cars. I am addicted and will pay for my addiction like a good addict should by becoming a site supporter!

Thank you to all the people involved in making this site not only the best 71-73 site but the best Mustang site on the Internet.


I was voted VIP and got it for free through a generous anonymous donation.

Then I won the Photo Contest and received a prize.

After all that I thought it was time to give something back, so I became a site supporter.

I like the feeling that I have actively contributed to make this forum work.

So, yes, please become at least a VIP member to help this thing stay the best web site on the Internet. (Except for that one site where they... uhm... never mind) :)

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Isn't it time for you to ding me for my annual Supporting Vendor contribution?

It's worth every penny reading this forum for its entertainment value.

I second what Barry and the others have said. It ain't free to keep it running but if we all do our part...

Thanks to all who have donated!

I just want 1 Reputation point. lol
I gave you a rep point for your service in the US Navy!

Again, thanks for the support! I posted this thread as a PSA for new members but it has generated a lot of new VIPs and Site Supporters! I am humbled by the generosity of our community!! :blush:

Hi Rocketfoot you are a good man who has been doing a great job on this site Sir;-) I'm so glad that I joined this group of people who have been doing my Life Much better to Live \m/ (b) Sheers mate for this reason I am glad to have a good time with you all around the world B-) Regards Lars DK73

I've had several contributors ask about even more upload space...what would you guys think about a new member group called Benefactor! I could make it unlimited upload space and unlimited PM storage! I'd have to ask for $200 in donations to pull it off though. I could also come up with a new Benefactor badge as well! What do you guys think? It is a lot of work to create a new group but I will do it if the interest is there!

I've had several contributors ask about even more upload space...what would you guys think about a new member group called Benefactor! I could make it unlimited upload space and unlimited PM storage! I'd have to ask for $200 in donations to pull it off though. I could also come up with a new Benefactor badge as well! What do you guys think? It is a lot of work to create a new group but I will do it if the interest is there!
I would be interested for sure.



I've had several contributors ask about even more upload space...what would you guys think about a new member group called Benefactor! I could make it unlimited upload space and unlimited PM storage! I'd have to ask for $200 in donations to pull it off though. I could also come up with a new Benefactor badge as well! What do you guys think? It is a lot of work to create a new group but I will do it if the interest is there!
If you'd throw in free beer tomorrow, it'll be even more attractive...

LOL...I don't think I can add a beer perk, but I did add the Benefactor user group! It comes with unlimited uploads and unlimited PM storage plus a new group badge for your post profile!

Site supporters can upgrade for $100!! There are a few that have already reached the $200 goal for Benefactor...if you are one of those guys and want to be added to the new Benefactor rank, just PM me and I will get you fixed up!

Thanks again everyone!! It is an honor to be a part of something that is truly valued by the members!!

Thank you again, everyone!! I have everyone updated and the new Benefactor group is good to go!
