Flatback72's Glamor? shot


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Mar 1, 2011
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1972 Sprint Sportsroof
Well if you mean by glamor shot a picture taken on the side of the road with a cheap mobile phone camera, I kinda like this one I took of my rocket near Clunes, Victoria (Australia)


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Yep. looking good. I like how the after market spoilers lines match the fastback perfectly. Then the wheels.... the C-stripe....... Heck, I guess that car is simply cool, period! :)

Nice shot. Nice car. Any shot with scenery from Australia in the backgroung looks great to me. Its a awesome looking country. I hope to go there some day on vacation.

John J

Great shot, Clunes isn't that the area where the original Mad Max was shot, the name sounds familiar for some reason.

Beautiful. Someday, you need to take a road trip out to Uluru (ayer's rock) park it as close as you can on the eastern side of the rock, and take a series of shots during sunrise. The yellow on that car would look great with that red rock behind!

Now that is what the factory spoiler should have looked like!

Love the antenna swept back to match the windscreen. Great touch.

