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Shorts checker
Jan 24, 2012
Reaction score
Tucson, AZ
My Car
No Mustangs at the moment.
I talked with a representative from Alloy Metal today; they are the company that produces the quality reproduction wiring harnesses for our vintage Mustangs. For the 7123's, they only make a 71 underhood harness for tach and sportslamps.

I called them to offer good examples of each year underdash and headlight harnesses (both standard and tach) to use as templates, speculating that they may not have any to use to reverse engineer. The person I talked to said that they need 50 or so annual sales to make a worthwhile go of it, and over the years, they only receive one or two calls per year. The demand is not there, sorry to say. He even mentioned that they won't tool up for tail-light harnesses, as they have to mold the tail-light sockets.

So there you go...I'm the only guy in town able to restore these harnesses unless you want to go concours and pay really big bucks.

Hmmm...thinking about raising prices....naw...I need the business! The 7123's only account for about 15% of my work load but consume 20% of my effort.

Poor red-headed step-children...not loved at all, but I am kinda fond of them.

Good to have you around Randy, and to know you are providing a service that's of great help to certain people in genuine need. Thank you for that.

Your feedback reminds me of what i was saying about my power mirrors i invented the other day. I ran into similar probs with companies that were not interesting in producing small runs or numbers of parts or product. I guess it all comes down to the money, money thing at the end of the day.


+1 on the appreciation for your time, knowledge and assistance to the red headed step children. Your patience with the dreaded electrical stuff is a blessing. Please keep us alive with the support of the 71-73's.

I talked with a representative from Alloy Metal today; they are the company that produces the quality reproduction wiring harnesses for our vintage Mustangs. For the 7123's, they only make a 71 underhood harness for tach and sportslamps.

I called them to offer good examples of each year underdash and headlight harnesses (both standard and tach) to use as templates, speculating that they may not have any to use to reverse engineer. The person I talked to said that they need 50 or so annual sales to make a worthwhile go of it, and over the years, they only receive one or two calls per year. The demand is not there, sorry to say. He even mentioned that they won't tool up for tail-light harnesses, as they have to mold the tail-light sockets.

So there you go...I'm the only guy in town able to restore these harnesses unless you want to go concours and pay really big bucks.

Hmmm...thinking about raising prices....naw...I need the business! The 7123's only account for about 15% of my work load but consume 20% of my effort.

Poor red-headed step-children...not loved at all, but I am kinda fond of them.
Hmmm, a bit surprising based on my knowledge of the electrical harnesses in most of the '71-3 cars today. These harnesses are old... Worn and really just a matter of time before many cars will require an upgrade... Your work to keep these existing harnesses in good operation is essential, but I would have thought that with the number of our cars still in existence; there would be a need for the under dash, engine bay and the trunk rear lighting harnesses. Based on your findings, Will make it that much more difficult to complete high level concourse restorations on these cars in the future, if wiring is judged to a certain level. From a safety perspective alone, the need will be there also. Time and demand will dictate... Keep up the good work.


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