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  1. 7

    Can't get my engine to quit "pinging".

    In the interim on the tach. with the progression ignition you can mount your phone and it includes a full set of gauges. See photo.
  2. 7

    Can't get my engine to quit "pinging".

    For the Dizzy... Best single investment I made for my car.
  3. 7

    motor mounts

    Here is what I did. I sourced a set of 71-72 frame perches. This allows the use of the common 71-72 mounts.
  4. 7

    New member, alot to learn.

    Welcome from a former Cheesehead now stuck in Iowa.
  5. 7

    Aftermarket Accelerator Pedal Recommendations?

    I had one of these in a jet boat years ago! Only good for about 20 HP on the water.
  6. 7

    Ford explorer 8.8 rear end swap into a 71

    Damn. Only 100k? that's crazy. my 2007 exploder just turned 223k and still runs and drives like new.
  7. 7

    Garage heaters

    Blow in cellulose is easy and works well. You can rent the machine at any Menards/Home Depot type store.
  8. 7

    Garage heaters

    Before you buy a hot dawg or other heater, I would consider the following... Finish the insulation, this will alone make a huge difference. Then look into installing a Heat Pump Mini Split. Cost is reasonable and it will give you efficient heat and as a bonus AC in the summer.
  9. 7

    Trunk Divider

    Yes. I let him out. There was no way I was going to fit.
  10. 7

    Trunk Divider

    I have a 73 coupe. I used to get a little water when washing the car. I stuck my buddy in the trunk and sprayed. It was coming from the tail light seals. replaced and no issues since.
  11. 7

    What AFR gauge kit are you using?

    A little pricy but this is what I run. Works great. Will graph your AFR for you.
  12. 7

    Need advice on PS pump replacement

    For the hoses, I got mine from NPD years ago and they were correct. I've used lars for other reman items and have been happy with those, no experience with their power steering pump though. I would get the complete unit if it was me. For the pulley you will need to get a pulley puller. Most...
  13. 7

    What did you do to your car today?

    For wires I cut mine to length.
  14. 7

    71 f100 4wd build

    +1 on the 390. I run one in my 68 F100. Great engine IMHO.