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  1. c9zx

    Ideas/pics of where to mount MSD box?

    Behind the left fender on the A pillar along with a tach adapter, on a homemade bracket. Yes, I was trying to hide it. Chuck
  2. c9zx

    I need non-Mustang advice.

    Thank you to all who posted. It sounds like the $40.00 will be money well spent. Finding any accurate detailed information about 66/67 Cyclones has proven to be difficult at best. Thanks, Chuck
  3. c9zx

    I need non-Mustang advice.

    I recently bought a 1966 Cyclone GT. I've joined a couple of Comet forums but they seem to be mostly populated by 64-65 owners, So little info on 66s. Can anyone suggest a Fairlane forum that might be more helpful with detail questions (gauges, seatbelts, dash finishes, etc.). Thanks, Chuck
  4. c9zx

    Should I port my 351C 4V heads?

    For what you are doing it is not worth it. Concentrate on good valves, 5 angle valve job, and appropriate valve train components. Get as close to Zero deck on the pistons/block. I'd suggest breaking the cam in with just the outer springs. Yes, it is a PITA but, worth the effort in my opinion. Chuck
  5. c9zx

    Looking to buy a non-Mustang

    I will when I resolve the fight between my phone and laptop. Won't be much to see until next fall as the car is painted, interior is new, glass is new. The people that did this work were very good. Who ever did the rest of reassembly must have been the very definition of the phrase "half assed...
  6. c9zx

    Looking to buy a non-Mustang

    I found the car I wanted and it is here, 1966 Cyclone GT 4 speed. Now I'm looking for good parts sources (minor items) and a good Comet/Cyclone forum. The forums I've found seem to have little activity. I seem to recall that at least one member here has a 66/67 Cyclone or Comet. I you happen to...
  7. c9zx

    Fastest 71-73 mustang belonging to forum member

    At 140 mph, the contact patch of the front tires is that of a bicycle tire. You need upgrades before trying again for your "personal best". Chuck
  8. c9zx

    Looking to buy a non-Mustang

    Thanks, I'll look him up. Chuck
  9. c9zx

    Looking to buy a non-Mustang

    I'm looking to buy a 1966 Mercury Cyclone GT. I'm posting to try to widen the net. Not looking for a basket case or a huge rust bucket, or a convertible. I'm also not looking for a concours anything, been there not my thing. If anyone knows of a car that may be for sale please let me know...
  10. c9zx

    boss 351

    I believe the Boss 351 flywheel was made of nodular iron, as was the Boss 302. The balance is the same CJ and Boss. Chuck
  11. c9zx

    351C where to start?

    +1 on Spike's comment. I forgot it once and it caused a lot of re-work, once I stopped cussing.
  12. c9zx

    Painted Today!

    It looks VERY nice! Well done. Chuck
  13. c9zx

    Master cylinder replace

    If the problem persists after bleed ing the system, the "pushrod" in the booster may be too short, it should be adjustable. The procedure is in the Ford service manual. Chuck
  14. c9zx

    PCV Valve

    The valve should be in the oil fill cap on the left valve cover. It should have a formed hose attached. If you smell gas, it is likely a leak at the carburetor or attaching hose section. Chuck
  15. c9zx

    Headlight upgrade question

    Thanks, I'll take a look. Chuck