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  1. H

    Fuel Tank Vapor Separator

    73 Base coupe.  In replacing my fuel tank, removal of the vapor separator, the foam material that "...acts as a multiple baffle system to separate raw fuel and vapor and retard raw  fuel entrance into the vapor line"  was essentially deteriorated to point that when touched it would crumble.  ...
  2. H


    I had a similar experience, except the gas smell was due to a fuel pump cracked diaphragm that allowed gas to leak out of the weep hole on the original Carter pump. I had just had the 2100 rebuilt and knew it was tight. Just check (eliminate) the obvious things before blaming the carb. Sent...
  3. H

    Hello from Germany

    A big welcome from St. Louis. I spent my High School years in Heidelberg, since my father was a career officer (assigned to NATO CENTAG) at the time out of Hammonds Barracks in Seckenheim, Germany. It was a blast in the late 70's. Have fond memories of going to the Rose Garten in Mannheim for...
  4. H

    Hello From The Show Me State!

    Welcome neighbor. I'm across the river from you in Chesterfield. I can relate to the USAF experience as I grew up as an Army brat to a career Cold War Warrior, and my wife was an AF brat. Between the 2 of us we have lived in 27 different houses, and like you some overseas stations. I'm 50...