Looking for a clean seat belt latch-plate ( or tongue) like shown in the attached images. I could use either style. I only need the chrome plated tongue not the retractor assy.
Thanks ! JPW
I didn't see much on this topic in my searches or in the MPC. I am adding OEM power windows to my 1972 Fastback. All the donor hardware and wiring came from a 73 Fastback. Could anyone confirm as to where exactly the power window door wiring harnesses (reference the two special, molded-on straps...
Looking at the fuse box of a non-accessoried 72', I am curious if the one-side fuse lug in the accessory cavity is hot and can it be tapped into for some power? Could anyone confirm? See circled area in the attachment pic....
Thanks In advance!
Here's an inexpensive alternative to those that don't want to deal with painting their trunk interiors. Purchase a small roll of speckled rubber (gym)flooring (white, gray or blue speckles will look somewhat original). I use the 1/4" thick material. It is easily to cut and heavy enough to...
The matching pair of brackets in your second photo are brackets needed to support the upper urethane surface on the 1973 front bumper. They bolt to the top of the main cross brace within the bumper assy. Note arrows below.
I just finished installing a headliner recently ---- do not install the drip-rail outer molding or the weatherstrip channels. They will get in the way of properly gluing. clamping and trimming the headliner to the side retainers...
This small piece of windlace is easy to re-produce yourself ---- purchase $1 worth of matching color & grain of vinyl and $1 worth of of similar-sized foam rod. Wrap & glue the vinyl around the rod. Re-staple to the quarter trims (or use a set of very small screws to re-attach).
Those hoods are fairly flat ---- you could do what I did -------hang it high on a wall and wait for the right person. Its about 80 lbs, however, and not easy to hang!
Also ----- if your hood is original, does it have the black-out treatment on the under side like the attached photo ? Does anyone...
I had my actuators stripped & re-plated by my local plater with no problem. However, there is something I would recommend you do. That is, find a way to block the actuator rod & diaphragm part way open so any trapped fluids that seep into the canister can drain/escape.
My diaphragms leached...
I have two 1973 Mustang front bumpers listed on the Detroit area Craigsllst site. No impact mounting arms. Both will need a bit of work.
Thanks, JPWally