Recent content by mach71351c

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  1. mach71351c

    351 4v ( 408 and TKX )

    Hey Chuck looking at your car was a big part of my research. I plan on getting mustang center caps. I totally agree about the white letters.
  2. mach71351c

    351 4v ( 408 and TKX )

    Kicking and screaming I brought the Mach 1 to the 21st century. My hole life the look for these cars were 15" magnum 500s with 245/60 up front and 255/60s out back. A close second ET slot mags or Cragar sst. Let me start by saying my T/As are 10 years so they may have gotten a little hard...
  3. mach71351c


    Hi there.
  4. mach71351c

    Picture of the Day

    Here's a quick one.
  5. mach71351c

    New to this world

    Welcome from San Diego. No stupid questions here Jon. I suggest get some popcorn and check out the build thread page.
  6. mach71351c

    Motor mounts not lining up

    Are you sure the mounts are for 73? I believe are different than 7172.
  7. mach71351c

    Top loader shifter location

    I was running BFG 255/60/15s witch are 27" tall. I just switched to 275/40/17 and are a little shorter at 25.66 It's turning 2400 hundred now. The speedo maybe a little off now.
  8. mach71351c

    Color finally 😍

    Nice job you should be very proud of your hard work. Looks Awesome.
  9. mach71351c

    Top loader shifter location

    You need to ask your self do I really need 6 gears. I'm running a TKX with 3.70 gears. 2100 hundred in 5 gear at 75 mph and plenty of pull to 100. Could not be happier. Bolts right in with no issues.
  10. mach71351c

    Insurance lessons learned

    I have Hagerty as well. I'm paying $700 a year for 60k stated value on my Mach 1. My brother has had Hagerty for years on his 70 Boss 302 and 71 Ranchero and pays $300 for 125k stated value. When I asked the agent why I'm paying double he said that my brothers policy is grandfathered in and all...
  11. mach71351c

    New member, alot to learn.

    Welcome from San Diego
  12. mach71351c

    71 M-code on BAT

    Damn what a nice car!
  13. mach71351c

    Newbies to 7173

    Welcome from San Diego
  14. mach71351c

    New to the Forum! '73 Convertible Mustang

    Hi Joe Welcome from Escondido. Nice vert!