Recent content by Ray Meese

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  1. Ray Meese

    What did you do to your car today?

    Replaced heater core, removed a/c evaporator, made car a/c delete , complete, someone took the rest of it off... i got the evaporator out, looks pretty clean without expansion valve sticking out!!
  2. Ray Meese

    Heater Core Removal

    drain radiator remove heater hoses if with a/c, evacuate system remove 2 nuts from outside firewall that hold heater box in place **** remove glove box door remove glove box remove radio bezel remove radio remove dash to cowl support remove lower heater distribution duct disconnect vaccum...
  3. Ray Meese

    What did you do to your car today?

    So, Ran around a lot yesterday, ( it was 60f) while driving, my alternator light came on at idle, ( i have found loose bolts) rev it up a little and it goes away.... well got home and started checking the belt... it was tight... I am like wtf? Got a closer look.... all 3 bolts that hold both...
  4. Ray Meese

    Germy's Marti report & the Ginger seats w/upbeat cloth mystery

    You have to remember September of any year, started the next year... so September 1971, was a 1972.
  5. Ray Meese

    Marti Report List :

    My Marti Report, and current pic, mine will always be a daily driver, nothing special, other than it is mine.
  6. Ray Meese

    What did you do to your car today?

    Well, after thoughts of trying to find a good right rear interior trim panel became unrealistic.... I decided to find an ashtray... that was the answer to the problem, found a (I guess) decent one on ebay... 3 days later... installed ! hole filled dilemna over !
  7. Ray Meese

    73 fuse box questions

    He is right, 4A to 5A is 25% more, 14A to 15A is what 7%... They ran the whole car on 6 fuses, the 4A is really just the only one like that... keep that small fuse if you like , I just found it easier to do it that way.
  8. Ray Meese

    73 fuse box questions

    I bought this kit from CJ Pony parts, and went up to the next highest Amp level (so, if it called for a 4a, I went to 5a) . It is a lot easier to find blade type fuse than glass. For the real small one, I had to grind it down a little on both sides to make it work.
  9. Ray Meese

    Windshield wiper park when switch turned to off?

    So, I took it apart, reinstalled it, nothing happened... So I bought a reman unit from Rock Auto, installed it yesterday, now it parks the way it is supposed to!
  10. Ray Meese

    What did you do to your car today?

    Had an oil leak, coming from fuel pump/ sender area, hard to see exactly.... So, off to Advance Auto I went, got new fuel pump gasket, oil pressure switch and oil pressure switch socket ( what a lifesaver) I had nothing to fit it ! I also changed oil, test drove and filled car up, I found it...
  11. Ray Meese

    What did you do to your car today?

    Finished installing dash, replaced wiper motor ( now it parks properly), installed front seats back from upholstery shop, (they installed new OE style padding and covers) purchased from CJ Pony parts.
  12. Ray Meese

    Seat Track replacement

    That is Awesome! Neither one of my seats had the Larger spring installed correctly. When mine come back from the upholstery shop.... they will be !
  13. Ray Meese

    Seat Track replacement

    yes, but it seems to me that the long spring ran to the opposite side.. maybe it wasnt installed correctly ? Really all the work is on one side, I guess it makes no difference where the non adjusting or non locking spring goes ? Thoughts??
  14. Ray Meese

    Seat Track replacement

    Does anyone have a picture of how/where the adjustment springs actually go on the underside? Attach to the slides. Mine weren't attached and I am dumbfounded as to where they actually need to be....