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  1. 72mokk1

    1972 Mustang Coupe 302

    I had the same problem on my Holley 670, for some reason the O-ring for the float adjust failed and allowed fuel to leak by into the float and out of the float vent tubes. Very frustrating considering the carb is only 2 years old. Not sure what kind of carb you have, but I thought crud was...
  2. 72mokk1

    Tail Panel removal - need procedure

    There is no lead in that panel. You need to drill out the spot welds. You can buy a spot weld cutter or use and over sized drill to remove them.
  3. 72mokk1

    71 Mach shut down

    Do what Mac said and add a cable from the negative terminal to the apron or core support. Leave the cable on the block.
  4. 72mokk1

    Door hinge pin replacement.

    Nice, I was looking at buying a door lift but I couldn't justify the price for 2 doors when I had all the material to put a make shift one together. I did have to have the wife steady the door while I jockeyed it into place.
  5. 72mokk1

    Door hinge pin replacement.

    For a few bucks you can make one of these to jack/hold your door while you take the hinge off. My hinge pins needed much persuasion to come out. You can also put blocks and shim the door up.
  6. 72mokk1

    Route 66 road trip!

    Bring lots of water, it can be hot here even in October and is 90 percent dry all the time. If you plan on stopping at Roy's cafe you may have to backtrack from Ludlow, check the roads, California is bad about fixing roads.
  7. 72mokk1

    F-ing HOA issue!

    Here all you have to do is call code enforcement, my neighbor called on me for a house in the back yard that was here when I bought the place and yes it is permitted. We drove around the neighborhood checking out other houses, how well they were kept, before buying. If half the street were junk...
  8. 72mokk1

    Help Locating a Dead Short

    Looks like it is almost in sync with a flasher. Turn your lights on next time and see if the dim at the same rate. Just a process of elimination to find the problem. I also noticed you don't have a ground connected, black wire next to your gauges.
  9. 72mokk1

    F-ing HOA issue!

    Most cities have code enforcement, my son thought he would park some "project" cars at my house and I told him "does this look like a dead car parking lot?" IMO, HOA's have too much power when they can fine you for the color of your front door.
  10. 72mokk1

    F-ing HOA issue!

    HOA's should be outlawed.
  11. 72mokk1

    Loud Violent Clunk When Shifting FMX Into Gear. Any Transmission Experts?

    You might have a stall converter, when my C6 was rebuilt the guy put a stall converter in and if I put it in gear without my foot on the brake it will chirp the tires in the garage. In other words it bangs pretty hard. The 9 inch rear end is hard to break but it is something to check also.
  12. 72mokk1

    Starting A New 72 Mach 1 Project

    Welcome from Cali, looks like you got a project ahead of you but also looks like you have most of the parts also.
  13. 72mokk1

    Need some ideas

    I had a fuel line collapse on the suction side of the fuel pump. Just about the same symptoms you are describing. Car would start and run then act like it was starving for fuel after it warmed up a bit.
  14. 72mokk1

    What did you do to your car today?

    Well, I keep getting crud in the carburetor causing the float needle to stick open flooding the engine, so I am adding a second filter and replacing the lines with 10 dollars a foot fuel injection line...only thing I can figure is that what ever additive they use in California is eating the...
  15. 72mokk1

    Fan Blower switch has a super hot terminal

    My guess is you have resistance from corrosion. As little as 2 ohms at 12 volts drawing 10 amps is like touching a 60 watt light bulb. Judging from the color of your male connectors, and the female connectors are probably corroded also, this includes where the connector is crimped to the wire...
  16. 72mokk1

    A/C Vacuum Mode Selector Switch AC Air Conditioning

    My actuators perked right up after I put a drop or two of WD40 where it makes a physical connection. Just a little rust from sitting will lock it up.
  17. 72mokk1

    Clippy questions

    I bought some window clips at Autozone that worked. Cj pony parts or NPD might have the window clips. Somebody on here might know where to get the kick panel clip, if not try a body shop that's been around a while, they might have that clip or something similar.
  18. 72mokk1

    Wipers park to high.

    You should be able to remove them and reposition them. I ran my wiper motor for about ten minutes w/o the wiper arms, then turned it on and off a few times to check the position before installing the wiper arm.
  19. 72mokk1

    Broke yet another Throttle Cable.

    Could it be that your cable is pulling the linkage too far over center? Check for cable slack at full throttle...
  20. 72mokk1


    72 H code Mach 1