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  1. Jean-Pierre

    Tachometer don't work...

    I'm going to do a wire search to see if it has not been jumped...
  2. Jean-Pierre

    Tachometer don't work...

    Thank you, it's very nice. I opened but, frankly, I'm not good enough in electricity. If someone had a simpler solution...
  3. Jean-Pierre

    Tachometer don't work...

    Hi guy's On my 73', the tachometer don't work. I receive the car like that. It never worked. I looked for the cable to repair it but I can't find anything. Normally, there is a electrical cable that goes to the ignition coil and that works with the pulses, no ? It's not like that on the 73'...
  4. Jean-Pierre

    Back too high...

    Hi guy's, Finally, I put a rear end lowering kit and the résult has not bad at all...
  5. Jean-Pierre

    Chin spoiler

    oups! I forget picture of Scott Drake... :D
  6. Jean-Pierre

    Chin spoiler

    Hi guys, I intend to put a chin spoiler. I find two models available in France. The first made by CPC, in ABS, so-called copy of the original. The second made by Scott Drake. Both look very different. For the first, I found pictures alone and mounted but for the second, I did not find any...
  7. Jean-Pierre

    Back too high...

    On the frame, we still see the brand of leaf springs. I think they were fixed with shorter shackles before...
  8. Jean-Pierre

    Back too high...

    Hi Guys, I'm back  :D So, I changed my shock absorbers by KYB. The news ones were 3cm shorter so I was happy thinking that the back of the car was going to go down but not realy...  However, I had a hard time depositing the old ones. I also had to dismount the fixing of the springs to take...
  9. Jean-Pierre

    Hello from France

    Suis plutôt au nord ouest, près de la Normandie... Salut à toi... ::thumb::
  10. Jean-Pierre

    Back too high...

    Sorry, I don't know why  :huh:
  11. Jean-Pierre

    Back too high...

    That's right. The majority of French people know the classical Mustang 64-70 but when I go out mine, many of them are very admiring. And not to mention those never seen a 73 of their life... :jawdrop:
  12. Jean-Pierre

    Back too high...

    Not restored but... :whistling:
  13. Jean-Pierre

    Back too high...

    Hy guys, No problemo !  ::thumb:: I buy this car in may 18 at at a little garage in Minnesota and I'm perfectly know that is a sportroof and NOT a Mach 1... :D  It has not been restored. Only the painting is new..
  14. Jean-Pierre

    Back too high...

    YYYEEESSSSS! :thankyouyellow: It took me time to understand but between all of you, I got there. I manage to get by in in fluent english but my problem is the mechanical terms that I know very badly and google translations are very bad.  :shootself: Next time, I'll ask you pictures, it'll be...
  15. Jean-Pierre

    Back too high...

    Ok guys, finally I understand what you say (whaooo, my english is reallly bad) I leave only the shock absorber in place or I change for that :  And I remove the springs, that's right ?...
  16. Jean-Pierre

    Hello from France

    Hi Duck It's too early to say but if I go, I would not fail to inform you...
  17. Jean-Pierre

    Back too high...

    I thought adjustable because even if they are a little more expensive, I can adapt the ride height to my liking...
  18. Jean-Pierre

    Hello from France

    Ok! Super! Merci... ::thumb::
  19. Jean-Pierre

    Back too high...

    And what do you think about adjustable overload shocks like that...
  20. Jean-Pierre

    Back too high...

    Ok guys, Thank you for all your answers that help me a lot. First, for a simple start, I ordered 1" lowering blocks. Then, you tell me to remove the overload shocks. Ok but what can i put in the place? size, diameter? I'm not bad in méchanics but not enough in shock absorbers. There are...