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  1. 71_resurrection

    Luxstang paints his front bumper.

    Looks fantastic in the pictures Mike! Cant wait to see the end product.
  2. 71_resurrection

    351 4v ( 408 and TKX )

    waiting anxiously... still waiting... i can't stand it anymore, i guess i will just go work on my car and check back later...
  3. 71_resurrection

    New Carb

    Its kinda funny reading this, because less than a month ago I scrapped this same carb and went back with the original (rebuilt of course). with that said, this two brackets from edelbrock are complete crap. I have a Lokar setup that includes the throttle cable and mounting bracket along with a...
  4. 71_resurrection

    Mexican Mustangs?

    I like the two tone paint on them and the two tone interior is pretty nice as well!
  5. 71_resurrection

    351 4v ( 408 and TKX )

    DAMN, that looks spectacular! I can't wait to see it in person!
  6. 71_resurrection

    I'm Back... No for real this time.

    Welcome back!
  7. 71_resurrection


    ::welcome:: from San Diego, CA!
  8. 71_resurrection

    sdstang's 73 vert project

    Hey bro, I was curious what upholstery you ended up using? Brand, and did you replace the foam underneath. Who did you buy it from? Thanks, it turned out great!
  9. 71_resurrection

    351 4v ( 408 and TKX )

    Damn bro, looks good!
  10. 71_resurrection


    2nd spoiler if you decide to make one, it is very close to what I have in mind for mine... just as soon as I wrap up the hundred other projects I have left first.
  11. 71_resurrection

    Vozaday Build

    Nice build! I also have a Grande and really like how you went about doing yours in stages!
  12. 71_resurrection

    351 4v ( 408 and TKX )

    Dude, I bet you are so excited right now!
  13. 71_resurrection

    sdstang's 73 vert project

    Let me know how buffing out those scratches goes, it would save a ton of money if I didn't have to buy new door and quarter glass! Oh, and it looks like you have my seats almost done, i will come pick them up soon! LOL
  14. 71_resurrection

    351 4v ( 408 and TKX )

    Jesus dude, you are braver than I am for cutting those twist lock holes!
  15. 71_resurrection


    I noticed after looking at the pictures of your regulators that mine are missing what seems to be a crucial piece in keeping the windows stable while they are rolled up. Where the regulator meets the guide rod that is vertical inside the door, you seem to have some factory "shims", mine is just...
  16. 71_resurrection


    ::welcome:: from San Diego, CA... man I love the old grabber colors!
  17. 71_resurrection

    Just got my new sheet metal from OMS.

    ::welcome:: from San Diego, CA! Nice purchases!
  18. 71_resurrection

    Hello from the otherside (austria)

    ::welcome:: from San Diego, CA! Great looking fastback! I really like your paint scheme and the tail lights! Man those tail lights look perfect on a convertible! First time I have seen them on one.
  19. 71_resurrection

    Hey everyone!

    ::welcome:: from San Diego, CA! Sounds like it will be one hell of a nice ride, and being second owner is pretty awesome too, can't wait to see it!
  20. 71_resurrection


    ::welcome:: from San Diego, CA! Car looks great!