I'm gonna go the balancing act later tonight and give that a shot. Hey thanks for the call last night. Sorry I was kinda brief me and the fiance were just sitting down to dinner.
For sure not getting under the car now Jeff.
Any tricks for getting the engine and the tranny separated completely. There is about an inch gap all around so I know there's no more bolts. It's cleared both the guide pins. How far forward do I need to go before I start lifting up.
Call me stuck block from now on if you must. LOL
Guys I just went ahead and bought a hoist. The 2 ton was on sale at Harbor Freight so I just pulled the trigger on that. My schedule so evolves around this little girl I guess sometime people don't understand when ya say I can come get it but it has to be before school gets out or before the bus...
The Franklin mint rocks! I gotta have one. Nice work on the models too. Might go that route as well. I like this Mach 1 model stuff. It's almost as cool as getting a new garage tool!!!
I'm not sure. The whole thing has looked pretty much from the factory so far. I'll go with your experience over mine anyday. LOL Found this site from another post: http://mustangtek.com/block/Block.html
I'll brush away some grime and check the casting numbers tonight. Hopefully I will firm up...
Thanks for the max tolerance Totalled. I knew she was toast. Hey man super duper impressed with your build thread going on. You're kickin it for sure. I've got a front end rebuild box of new parts I'll probably start tinkering with when I yank the engine. I saw you did yours. May have to hit you...
How much play should there be in the timing chain? I'm gonna replace it anyway I was just curious. I got over an inch of play. I think I could make it skip a tooth with a good sized screwdriver. That can't be right.
Ya know on hindsight all these troubles are probably a blessing. Varnish in the...
That's not too long if you make the 18th. Know the Harley running helps in the wait. Ride in the evening. It was brutal down here today and don't think a bike could have even made it fun.