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  1. RC92234

    Gremlins in the blinkers. And side marker lights. And...

    Hey Stang - We've been in discussions here about LEDs before, and since then, I have converted to all HiPoParts bulbs. Also, new circuit board, and the left bulb is the same as the right bulb (and still works if tested out of the car).
  2. RC92234

    Gremlins in the blinkers. And side marker lights. And...

    Thx, Geoff -- I saw that post thread where you discussed the swapped wiring from awhile back, and considered all that. But, my still original emergency flasher works just fine, and the *only* bulb that does not light is the left turn dash indicator. The others light, sometimes as the right...
  3. RC92234

    Gremlins in the blinkers. And side marker lights. And...

    I finally got some assistance so I could do the walkaround while someone else turned the switches, and wow, I really don't know where to start. The turn signals were not self-cancelling and some bulbs were out. When my backorder of the turn signal switch finally arrived, I'm now ready to...
  4. RC92234

    71-73 power window parts for sale

    What do you want for the '73 driver/master switch? PM me if you wish. I ordered a new one but I'm skeptical of the quality and would prefer original parts if possible.
  5. RC92234

    Where is the backup light switch?

    About those fuses... Yes, per the diagrams, the backup lights should be on the same fuse as the radio and since the radio never stopped working, I did not suspect the fuse (F6, 15A). I tried your test (put incandescents back in, which did not work) and it dawned on me I replaced the bulbs...
  6. RC92234

    Where is the backup light switch?

    I didn't do the rebuild work.
  7. RC92234

    Where is the backup light switch?

    Thanks. They were working before I had the transmission rebuilt and I didn't check that they were still working after the rebuild -- and then I changed to LED bulbs and noticed they no longer worked.
  8. RC92234

    Where is the backup light switch?

    Is it in the shift mechanism inside the car, on the transmission itself or elsewhere?
  9. RC92234

    Happy New Year to all Mustang friends and family

    What Geoff (Stanglover) said (y)
  10. RC92234

    Winter. Need heat from the heater.

    Per DonC's test recommendations above, temps at the hose leaving the block for the radiator using an infrared thermometer gun: 61F -- outdoor temp 115.7F -- not running, one hour having been driven 17 miles (roundtrip to Sonic) 108.0F -- right after starting 155.6F -- after 10 minute drive on...
  11. RC92234

    LEDs for turn signals, brakes and reverse lights

    I’m glad to see better implementations of LEDs. Really, the LED(s) needs to be integrated with its fixture as is the clearance 1157 bulb from HiPo or the newer 1157 you posted.
  12. RC92234

    LEDs for turn signals, brakes and reverse lights

    I screen-captured an email asking me to rate the products to get the LED-tower that failed (on the left), and the reverse bulb that is similar although it's in a glass bubble (on the right); it's usable without destroying it.  The problem with the LED tower bulb on the left is that when...
  13. RC92234

    Winter. Need heat from the heater.

    Episode #356 of "still trying to put the old gal together".  Dec 23:  brrr, it's cold outside and so have to turn to getting some heat out of the HVAC system.  As is, blower works good, air comes out of the right openings (matches what the controls are set at) but the temperature control...
  14. RC92234

    LEDs for turn signals, brakes and reverse lights

    Will you accept halfway? I destroyed the first when trying to install because it was basically a circle set of multi-LEDs attached to the base only by soldering the electrical connections. I did buy two, and having trouble locating the other. But, here’s the HiPo version. LEDs are shielded by a...
  15. RC92234

    LEDs for turn signals, brakes and reverse lights

    I got my 1157 bulb Amber LEDs and the grounded electronic flasher from HiPo and unless the rest of the day gets in the way, will attempt to install.  Actually, I'll say "begin the discovery process" because it seems it's always "Why didn't that work the first time?"  lol...  I'm also going to...
  16. RC92234

    LEDs for turn signals, brakes and reverse lights

    These jumpers are a work of art.  Seriously!
  17. RC92234

    LEDs for turn signals, brakes and reverse lights

    Thx - I've ordered from him before with good results, for sure.  And yup, included the grounded flashers -- thanks for validating my choice of the grounded over just electronic.  Headlights will be a later upgrade although since they are currently operable, a lower priority.  I had a number of...
  18. RC92234

    LEDs for turn signals, brakes and reverse lights

    Maybe I should have put it in the subject line, but is having a clearance sale on 1156 and 1157 style LED lights.  1156 in white and 1157 in red or amber. I am replacing all the exterior bulbs other than headlights with bulbs from SuperBrightLEDS but I ran into a snag when it came...
  19. RC92234

    Trying to adjust a Holley 4300D and can't make sense of the directions

    Thanks for the great info.  Will be picking up a vacuum gauge today, but that explanation of the difference between manifold and ported vacuum is priceless. And while I waited to hear back from y'all, I did as indicated above:  screw in until lightly seated and then back off 1 1/2 turns and...