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  1. 7

    New Member from Central PA!

    Welcome from Illinois!  I do like the color of your car.
  2. 7

    Hello from Southwest Wisconsin

    Welcome from Illinois!
  3. 7

    New Mexico Newbie

    Welcome from Illinois!  It’s always great to see another vert here - I’m glad you kept it and plan on driving it.
  4. 7

    1973 Mach 1 Q-code

    Welcome from Illinois!  That is a very nice car!
  5. 7

    Disassemble the Driver’s Sport Mirror for Paint?

    Use a convertible top switch knob. I believe this video was from a member on here.  I’d contact Don at OMS for the switch.  
  6. 7

    71 convertible

    This is like de ja vu for me looking at your recent pics. Not very many Grabber Blue 71 convertibles out there. As my friend who painted it said: “you won’t lose this in a parking lot.”
  7. 7

    Manhattan Project Graphite Reactor

    Very cool stories! We have a similar place outside of Chicago where they moved CP1 the first nuclear reactor that they built at the university of Chicago. The government bought 1000+ acres in the middle of a very wooded, hilly and secluded area. They moved the reactor there, experimented, and...
  8. 7

    new 71 mach 1 owner from ohio

    Welcome from Illinois!  Very nice car!
  9. 7

    New from Kyle Texas, 1972 Mustang Convertible

    Welcome from Illinois.  Very nice looking vert you got there.  Always nice to see another on here. 
  10. 7

    What did you do today instead of working on your Mustang?

    This doesn’t look like Kansas Toto...or Wisconsin...
  11. 7

    What did you do to your car today?

    Fired her up after several weeks
  12. 7


    Welcome from Illinois!  Very nice looking Mach - love column mounted tacs!  Your fox body looks like some serious fun.
  13. 7

    1971 Mach I original owner

    Welcome from Illinois! Very nice ride and even better since you’ve had it from day 1!
  14. 7

    North Carolina newbee

    Welcome from Illinois!
  15. 7

    Morning. Glad to find this group!

    Welcome from Illinois!  Great looking vert.
  16. 7

    New Owner of a 73' convertible

    Welcome from Illinois! It’s always good to see another vert.  
  17. 7

    Leaf spring replace: DIY or shop?

    Watching this as the rear springs are next on my list.  No ceramic hips but I can relate having spinal fusion done....  Good luck and keep us updated!
  18. 7

    Greetings from a northern neighbour

    Welcome from Illinois!  Very nice looking ride.
  19. 7

    What was your worst automotive "Blunder"? Share the pain.

    In college (while driving my 69 Mach) a friend needed to sell his car and made me a terrific offer to buy his 69 Yenko Nova...which I turned down.