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  1. PBR

    Turn signal troubleshooting

    Looking for diagnosis opinions on a turn signal issue. Before I go tearing into this, I want to make sure I am tracking properly. The turn signal on the coupe is being problematic. Most times when I start the car, left and right turn signals will work. There is power to the left and right...
  2. PBR


    Representing the 7173 swag at Epcot today. All of you should be receiving your shirts this week! PBR
  3. PBR

    Extra Shirt Requests

    All - There have been a couple of folks who have asked about extra shirts from the order and unfortunately, my math was just too dang good on original count. I do not have any extra shirts left over after sending them all out to those who ordered originally. However, I am putting your names...
  4. PBR

    7173 Shirt Order Update - Shipping Commencing

    All - just an update for those of you who ordered shirts. They all arrived to me yesterday and I am in the process of starting the sorting and packing. Mailing will begin next week, so figure on normal mail delivery to start arriving to you after the 4th. I will update each of you who ordered...
  5. PBR

    Accelerator Pedal?

    Without replacing the entire assembly to fit a decent one, does anyone know if there is a better replacement for the 72 Coupe accelerator pedal? All I can find are these plastic ones, which after buying one, continues to fall off the pin mount on one side. This thing is garbage, but can't seem...
  6. PBR

    Mecum Trip

    Good time at Mecum Kissimmee yesterday. Too many cars I would have liked to take home. Here's a small little sampling of some of the ones that caught my eye. Only saw one 72, but didn't get a picture of it. Overall... a ton of GT 350's...and of course lots of Boss's. There was a Hemi Cuda on the...
  7. PBR

    The Shirt List

    All - All shirt orders have been collected, paid for, and organized, and I am submitting it today. Just as a recap to assure all of you I captured the info, the following is the list of orders and sizes that were received and will be included. Thanks to all who participated. If any of the...
  8. PBR

    Saw this and thought of all of us...

    PS- if any of you Florida locals are going to Mecum this weekend in Kissimmee, my wife and I are taking the day to go look at the cars. We'll be there Saturday. PBR
  9. PBR

    Parts Wanted The Search For Seats - Local Edition

    Alright gang...on the search for seats for the coupe...both fronts and the two piece rear. Going to be reupholstering them to black, so color doesn't matter, but more importantly trying to find any source or seller within the FL area. I know @rvanamb had some great ones available...and as much...
  10. PBR

    Shirt Update

    All - Those of you who have forwarded your shirt payments, thank you. The below list is as it stands as of 10:49AM PST. If you have paid and you are not listed as paid, please contact me directly. I messaged each of you this morning as a reminder with payment instructions. If you intend to not...
  11. PBR

    Have a great holiday everyone.

    All the best from Orlando. -PBR
  12. PBR

    Reminder - 2025 T-Shirt Pre-order Open

    Reminder to anyone who hasn’t seen the original thread in the site forum about the new shirts. The 2025 T-Shirts will be printed at the end of this month with production and shipping starting the first two weeks of January. Right now I am simply getting size and quantity...
  13. PBR

    Parts Wanted Center bracket - Mach 1 Grill

    On the hunt for the ever-sought after center bracket for the Mach 1 grill that I installed on the 72'. Similar (I believe) to the one below. I know these often get sought-after quite a bit, just curious if anyone has one. Otherwise I will fabricate something if need be. Thanks in advance, PBR
  14. PBR

    Parts Wanted 72 side mirrors rh / lh

    All - looking for side mirrors for the coupe. Drivers side and passenger. If anyone runs across any or have some, let me know. Thanks! -PBR
  15. PBR

    Questionable life choices...

    So I am posting this in the exterior forum rather than on my build post...because I need some honest assessments about what I believe to be is one of my "for **** sake" moments. And the fault lies in two options: 1) I bought something I didn't do proper research on, or 2) I am not skilled enough...
  16. PBR

    PBR and The Amazing Technicolor Paint Job

    Somebody was quite undecided about what to do with this thing over the years and sanding this has been a bitch. If this thing had a crayon sharpener in it, I'd have the Crayola 64 box.
  17. PBR

    CJ Pony Parts shipping rates

    Granted I am new to this process, but is it just me or are the shipping rates from anything on CJ's completely outrageous? Regardless of what I plan on ordering, the rates are usually double the price of the item. Case in point, looking for a new NACA hood for the coupe. CJ has one for $319.00...
  18. PBR

    Free Free in Orlando - 72 Coupe rear and front seats for restore

    I found replacement seats for the coupe and I don't have the desire or the time to have these restored. I've been seeing people on eBay and online selling worse condition ones for ridiculous amounts, which boggles my mind, so I'm happy to pay these forward to someone here on the forum if...
  19. PBR

    SD Valve cover grommet

    I recently replaced the valve covers on the 72 coupe, with exact matches from SD. The issue I am having is that I cannot locate the correct grommet or PCV valve setup that fits the the passenger side PCV port. Every D-shaped rubber grommet out there is way too small for this hole. CJ said it was...
  20. PBR

    Update on the 72 Coupe (Video Q&A)

    (Sorry if this is duplicated. From my end, it does not appear my earlier post in the Build Thread uploaded, so I am covering bases.) Alright gang...finally had my first window of opportunity to start diving into the 72. Needless to say, there is a ****-ton of work ahead in terms of body work...