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  1. Flatback72.

    Basic tutorial for removal of extension housing bushing the easy way on 28 Spline 3 & 4 speed toploaders

    I posted a pic of this tool in another thread recently, but considering that I have now used it for the first time I thought I'd post some extra pics and some thoughts on it. The tool is on ebay from various sellers and can be searched for under part number T-0160. This particular model of the...
  2. Flatback72.

    Clutch rod freeplay - how much?

    Replaced my z-bar today (302/3spd toploader) - is somebody able to tell me how much loose freeplay (before the retaining spring is installed) there should be be between the end of the adjustable clutch rod and where it locates in the dimple of the clutch fork? Thanks.
  3. Flatback72.

    A Batmobile and a Tucker in an Australian car museum

    Well, by chance a few days ago I spotted an advertisement in my Facebook feed that there was a Batmobile on loan for display at a museum about an hour and a half from where I live. So today I loaded myself and my older brother into the car and headed off to the Museum of Automotive Evolution in...
  4. Flatback72.

    Well, I'm back!!!! (though I actually never left....)

    Well, I'm back, though it's only been a day since I last posted so I'm sure nobody knew I was gone! (or possibly even knew who I was in the first place🙂 ). My previous username was Flatback72, now it is Flatback72. 👈with a full stop at the end of the username. Back in 2011 when I signed up here...
  5. Flatback72.

    Is the round plastic upper window stop available as a reproduction?

    I changed my window anti-rattle guide today in my left door, also found one of the round plastic window stops had fallen to pieces. There's only about a 1/4 of it left so I've turned it around so the last 1/4 is functioning correctly as a stop but it ain't gonna last long. There is a couple of...
  6. Flatback72.

    Z bars - does the same item fit all 71-73 Mustang engine variants?

    I'm about to replace the bushings in my equalizer bar. Hopefully everything will go well but on the chance I find the units bore or linkage holes are too worn I'm doing some preliminary research into buying a brand new replacement item. Looking at one on the West Coast Classic Cougar page...
  7. Flatback72.

    Jag V12 in a 73 Sportsroof

    This is a fairly entertaining watch (33 minutes); a guy put a Jag V12 in his patina'd 73 Mustang
  8. Flatback72.

    Engine won't start and turns over like it has no compression

    My Mustang is running it's original 302W, no idea whether or not it has been rebuilt in the past at all. Always been running fine, although the last couple of drives I noticed it wasn't idling as efficiently as it normally would. Today I cranked it over, it fired up for a couple of seconds but...
  9. Flatback72.

    1974 Ford Falcon panel-van and coupe TV ads.

    Considering Australia's XB Falcon shares some styling cues with the 71-73 Mustang, some might find these vintage ads from 1974 interesting, showcasing the Ford XB Falcon panel-van and XB coupe
  10. Flatback72.

    Bob Perkins' 1971 Boss 302 - restored

    Not sure if this video has been linked here yet, if not then here it is, if so then here it is again....
  11. Flatback72.

    What AI did to my car......

    Top photo is how my car is, bottom photo is how an AI generator (PromeAI) envisions it. I.....kind it? Should I get out the angle grinder and attempt a new resto-mod.....????
  12. Flatback72.

    1971 1972 1973 Mustang fastback wind down quarter window conversion

    1971 to 1973 fastbacks didn't come out with wind down quarter windows - the only way you could go pillarless was to order the electric window option. However all the holes and mounting points are pressed into the inner rear quarter side wall to allow the winding mechanism from a '71-'73 coupe to...
  13. Flatback72.

    Side marker light socket - twist or yank to extract??

    One of my front side maker globes has packed it in for the first time since owning the car. Not sure if the socket is a twist out type or just a direct pull-out type. I've tried both methods but the little mongrel won't pop out, frozen in by time and entropy I guess. But I didn't put too much...
  14. Flatback72.

    What the hell did I do?

    Well I drove home tonight, lights and flashers working fine. Before going inside I thought I might check if the rear lights were functioning properly. Everything was working properly, but I noticed on the far left that a portion of my "plasma" LED tail light globe was a little flaky. So I ran...
  15. Flatback72.

    BOSS 351 - Muscle Car Of The Week Episode 292

    Ok, technically this should go under the video section of the forum, but it's more likely to be seen up here in the71-72 Mustang Talk section. A factory fresh Boss 351 with only 829 miles on the clock!
  16. Flatback72.

    Car Culture in the Australian workplace (links fixed)

    Every year for the past 5 years or so, on the break-up day preceding the Christmas close-down period, my workplace hosts a car show for employees to showcase their cars. Out of about 250 employees that work there, we manage to scrape up a fairly good proportional quantity of eclectic...
  17. Flatback72.

    Mach 1 Mustangs are not for overparking

    New Zealand newspaper article from 1973
  18. Flatback72.

    Did I just fry my alternator??

    Had to jump start one of my daily driver cars (1999 Falcon Ute, battery dead flat) so that I could get the Mustang out for a drive. So I ran the jumper leads from my Mustang, while it was running, to my Falcon. Well the Falcon wouldn't turn over at all, just various clicking noises and such, so...
  19. Flatback72.

    Do fuel gauges fail in this manner?

    Well I noticed the other week that after filling my car up with fuel that the gauge was only showing 1/3 full. Thinking that the tank sender has gone kaput I dragged out a brand new sender that I bought a while ago for contingency stock and plugged it in and moved the sender arm to it;s...