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  1. Shelleypamperin

    Summit M2008 series choke sticking

    Has anyone had issues with the choke sticking partially closed even after warm up? I have a new out of the box Summit M2008 Series 750 CFM 4-Barrel sitting on top of an Edelbrock RPM Air-Gap Manifold #7564 and the engine warm the choke will not fully open. I even tried a spacer with no luck.
  2. Shelleypamperin

    Free Parts for the taking

    Cleaning up and have a few used parts free for taking - 72 351C starter, power steering pump, exhaust manifolds. Also have a 71-73 coupe, convertible new windshield glass (tinted green) NPD part 03100-6A No shipping or delivery. Must pick up. Savannah GA