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  1. sca5234

    71 Mach shut down

    Update folks!! I got the cables recommended from CJ pony parts and worked on rewiring everything that looked like it needed some TLC . I grounded everything I possibly could I even grounded my kids just for extra measure. And after everything she started cranking up with some ferocity. So looks...
  2. sca5234

    71 Mach shut down

    Satisfying yes! Tedious as all hell also yes haha
  3. sca5234

    71 Mach shut down

    Yeah it's exhausted me last year. I thought I was in a good place but with the input of others I have ground issues I need to resolve and to spend some more time on the wiring in general
  4. sca5234

    71 Mach shut down

    I did the removal process in September of last year and have been driving the car regularly. Something was bound to be missed by me from what I started with it😂 But this weekend I'm going to work on getting those grounds properly installed along with pulling back some wiring to see what we look...
  5. sca5234

    71 Mach shut down

    Yes I ordered these the other night!
  6. sca5234

    71 Mach shut down

    Could use both, he just wired that so he could work on the car from the front easier.
  7. sca5234

    71 Mach shut down

    As promised here is the box of stuff I have removed as that extension cord went to electrical two button switch below which was right by the hood latch to turn the car over. The other picture was the kill switch that was underneath the dash. Have to find the blue print he created with the...
  8. sca5234

    71 Mach shut down

    Haha wait till I get home and I'll take pictures of the things I took out but that was ran to the front of the grill where a hand switch that started the car. I'm going to include these exterior pictures and inside as they actually help ease the pain of looking at that lol
  9. sca5234

    71 Mach shut down

    Ahh thanks for this! now this will feed my I can't just get one thing from this store mentality and browse some more 😂
  10. sca5234

    71 Mach shut down

    Yes previous owner didn't abide by that mantra 😆 quite the headache he has left me to resolve.
  11. sca5234

    71 Mach shut down

    Currently the negative Currently the negative is hooked directly to the engine block, included the picture. Should I have that attached to the fender apron instead?
  12. sca5234

    71 Mach shut down

    Yeah I was showing someone what the before looked like when I first bought the car. it was overwhelming. Currently there is a ground going from the battery to the engine block. Do I need to change that to the T Yeah right now the
  13. sca5234

    71 Mach shut down

    Yes voltage regulator is gone after the one wire alternator swap
  14. sca5234

    71 Mach shut down

    All that has been removed after a long tedious stint. This guy went absolutely bonkers on wiring adding fans, jump start mechanism under the hood, to kill switchs to whatever else that I had to remove from the unnecessary things he did 🫨
  15. sca5234

    71 Mach shut down

    Carb is doing it's thing. I'm trying my best to locate this ground strap right now
  16. sca5234

    71 Mach shut down

    I agree I bought this car from a electrician who decided to make this a living nightmare for me I've included some pictures of the before when I got it to trying to narrow down the headache to what I have now. It's been running great for months just decided to have this episode and I'm just...
  17. sca5234

    71 Mach shut down

    I'll preface by saying I'm quite the novice mechanic. Car was running perfectly fine during a normal weekend drive till I got 100 yards from the house and it just completely shut off. Nothing happening when turning the key over besides the occasional flash of the radio After pushing it in I'm...