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I got back to the body shop yesterday morning for the first time in a bit, and my friend Mike and I block sanded the quarters one last time. We used 180 to eliminate any sand scratches and smoothen the panels out nice and sharpen the lines a bit. Mike inspected all of the body panels and felt they were all ready for paint except the right front (the infamous "Fender from Hell") fender. He felt a little something he didn't love and that made him want to block it out once more. Then I drove, yes I said it, drove, not pushed, the car across the street from the body building to the paint shop and into the prep station. It sounds so good to say that, drove, it just rolls off of the tongue, LOL.

We masked the quarters across the street and then once in the prep station we covered the rest of the car. We set up the passenger fender and quarter extensions on paint racks. Mike sprayed the primer for me, because like an idiot, I left my respirator at home. Those are not something you want to wear someone else's or have someone use yours, haha. He has been a professional painter for almost 40 years and is so much better than I could ever dream to be, so win for me, LOL..






After we cooked it a bit, we unmasked the car, and not to brag, I drove it out of the paint station and back across the street to the other building where we are storing it. After that, I cleaned the prep station and headed home. I feel it was a well spent few hours and I felt like I accomplished something. Now just need to sand down and prep for paint and spray. I have the Gallons of Wimbledon White and clear sitting on the shelf in the paint shop waiting on me.
