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Thanks buddy. I did some searches yesterday and did see that almost all the players (CJ, Kentucky, Classic Ind) all carry the floorpan replacement pieces...and for suprisingly affordable prices. It's more about, again, doing the work, since I have zero experience with welding). I'm taking some courses on it, so we'll see. I knew all of this was coming, it's just pretty daunting when you actually see it.

The taillights do work on all's just that something is draining the battery. I did some troubleshooting last night and left the battery hooked up. So I'm going to go out there in a bit to see if it drained it again, or if I managed to solve the issue. If we have the same issue as the other day, I may have to just start the rewiring completely. Honestly these wires are 50+ years I think it's inevitable that it needs to be done.

Thanks for the support my friend. Appreciate it as always. I'll keep ya posted.

