Hi Steve,
Thank you very much for providing such a detailed explanation of events surrounding the mystery fire/ vinyl changeover thing, and my apologies if this topic has been dealt with before.
Sounds like you're way up on background knowledge here. All credit to you. If you don't mind me asking, what have been your go to sources of background info/intel regarding this subject over the years? Just asking out of curiosity.
So based on the information you have provided, it would explain that in my case, the Marti Report and door tag shows that my '73 Vert has a trim code CW - White knit vinyl, when in reality, my car left the factory with solid vinyl (Ruffino) and Corinthian combo seats, and does not display a three letter code. As you say above, this falls into the catagory of a mislabeled factory car. My label should have read, CWA, not CW. Now i get it. Would it also be fair to assume that no more Comfort weave vinyl was used for the remainder of the 1973 production year, directly after the fire and supply run out of Comfort weave ?
It;s also interesting to note that for 1973 Standard interiors(doors and seats), it appears that the Ruffino/ Corinthian combo was the go to choice - correct me here if i'm wrong.
Also, is there any light you could shed on this issue of the pearlescent sheen effect thing going on with the white colored vinyl? As i said in my initial post, my original factory white vinyl seats does not have this pearl effect thing going on, but my new replacement front seats from TMI Industries have the pearl effect finish. Another Forum member has stated above, that his original factory white vinyl has this pearl effect finish as well. That's confusing. Would you have any background knowledge as to why this would be?
Lastly, and on a different topic, i have always admired and loved the look of the course grained Ruffino vinyl seats on my car, and have received many a compliment on the appearence of my seats over the years from the public. Many people have claimed that my seats are made of a leather material, and don't believe me when i try and explain that they are made of all vinyl. I have never seen the appearance of the Comfort weave vinyl seats in real life, and never sat on one to try it out. So what's the general opinion of Comfort weave out there? It it considered more of a luxury look vinyl over Ruffino?, and what about the comfort level when you sit on the seats, as to how it feels up against your bare skin, or even with light clothing on? Comfort weave being the stock and trade go to vinyl choice from Ford, begs the question on how the public perceived or thought of the forced changeover to a solid vinyl.
A poor man's Comfort weave maybe?
Feedback here would be interesting. And what about the knitted vinyl?
See my pics below as an example of a few 1973 Verts up for sale a while ago. First up, note the Ruffino/ Corinthian vinyl combo, and like my own car, no apparent pearlescent sheen effect thing going on. On the second blue '73 vert, we seem to have an example of a white knitted vinyl used on the seats. On the third red vert, we see an example of an original Corinthian/ Ruffino vinyl with the pearl sheen effect thing. On the fourth example we have the Comfort weave. So it seems there were three different vinyl combos going on in 1973 - Comfort weave/ Knitted/ Ruffino. The plot thickens ! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm--------
Lord Mr Ford!
Thanks again Steve for all your great help and knowledge on this one. Any more help or insights would be appreciated.