I don't have these. The one on the left I have and are ok, and the ashtray itself, now restored but pitted.
The rest I don't have. Is it may be because it's a coupe vs faskback? My 73, also doesn't have these, it's 2 little clips that sandwich the plastic. No guide.
Never seen these parts.
As it was a long weekend here, guess what I did?

Not in the chronological order of this update, worked on the fender again, first it's been water sanded, then as weather was nice, a filler primer was sprayed and later on after 4 hours, started bring some bondo on the many places not looking straight, then 1 hour later, roughtly sculpted it to bring to a minimum, I'll continue next weekend on the back, then prime again. I'll probably repeat this a few times till I have the shape ok and not kilos of bondo.

In between, welded the headlight bucket before start plate it and fixed the suspension plate. The corner was damaged (see middle) so reconstructed it using both my new friends: the copper helper and the "cone" drill. The nice thing about the copper thingy, aside really sucking the heat, is that the back of the weld remains level to plate, flat. I think this will come very handy many times. If you weld and don't have one of these, they are really worth the 30 buxx.

As I might have plated one or two items in past months, I saw my anodes were not only missing a few inches (they were both same as the new bit), they are now razor blade thin! 
So cut a new bit to use it today. If you ever do zinc plating one day, get yourself one of these plates (1 meter x 20 cm x 1.1 thick) vs boats anodes or these expensive super thin ones you see on ebay. Not only its much cheaper, its also super handy to cut out whatever shape you need to get nice coverage in hard to reach places. The older ones are reused in smaller bits for that. No waste, super results.

Now becoming expert in headlights brackets (read: tired doing these same parts over and over), I did de-rust and plate all the parts but one for this side. Its ready, waiting in soda but as it needs at least 2 hours, I'll do it tomorrow.
The lower plate is now probably the most pitted rust free bling bling plate on the planet 
By the way, if you ever are on table with a hard purist, the MCA judge type, ask him how to tell the diff between headlights brackets from 71 vs 73. The 73 has a small hole in the middle on the lower plate. This hole is for the pin that is part of the headlights harness. It keeps the connector at bulb steady. In 71 no hole. Lets hope he doesn't ask you about 72's unless you know if there's a hole or not! 
Will epoxy spray these next weekend and start handle the last one...