James "Jim" (or "Jimmy Clark, Jr OBE (4 March 1936 – 7 April 1968) was a British Formula One racing driver from Scotland, who won two World Championships, in 1963 and 1965...This is the one of the last race cars he drove before his death in 1968..Jimmy's car went off the track at over 150 mph..Clark's great friend and rival Jackie Stewart remembering a string of races in which he finished second to Clark, says: "We became known as Batman and Robin. And there was no doubt who was Batman and who was Robin." Jimmy was a demi-God," says Jean-Pierre Beltoise. "He was the best driver among us at that time."
Was cool to see such a peice of racing history at our local show...R.I.P Jimmy

Was cool to see such a peice of racing history at our local show...R.I.P Jimmy