Bring the arrow on the camshaft gear to 6 o clock. by doing this, it should put the keyway on the crankshaft gear very near 12 o clock.
If you have 4 degree crankshaft gear that should put the crankshaft gear dot just to the left of the keyway (never heard of a blue dot on an OEM Ford crankshaft gear) and I changed plenty of them at the dealership.
look a little harder at the crankshaft gear near the keyway with the arrow of the Camshaft at the 6 o clock position (it is there)
perhaps clean the crank gear with a wire brush to remove the oil residue.
When you get the marks to line up and finally remove the chain and both gears as a set, now take the new cam gear and lay the chain on
it with it's dot at 6 o clock, then set the crank gear in the chain with it's dot at 12 o clock, this is exactly how it goes back on the engine.
you will find that the crankshaft gear will be off a little (4 degrees)
move the crankshaft (and only the crankshaft} with no gears attached until you can line up both gears , then slip the chain and gears {still as a set) and holding the set by the camshaft gear, onto the keyway
now look at the small offset hole on the camshaft gear, it has to line up with the small dowel protruding from the camshaft.
If you fumble with the gears, and lose track, just remove the assembly and re hang in your hand, cam gear at 6, crank gear at 12.