Where is the little girl!!


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LOL, that was funny. Wish cops around here were like that. I was a bit thrown off by the radio at first. Something about getting stuck in tracks?

LOL, that was funny. Wish cops around here were like that. I was a bit thrown off by the radio at first. Something about getting stuck in tracks?
The woman on the radio was talking about railroad tracks being a danger to turtles, their little legs get caught in them. It all played into the theme of this guy sipping on a latte while driving his Prius listening to the need to build turtle bridges every 50 yards along a train track to save turtles. Very funny.


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LOL, that was funny. Wish cops around here were like that. I was a bit thrown off by the radio at first. Something about getting stuck in tracks?
The woman on the radio was talking about railroad tracks being a danger to turtles, their little legs get caught in them. It all played into the theme of this guy sipping on a latte while driving his Prius listening to the need to build turtle bridges every 50 yards along a train track to save turtles. Very funny.

Oooh... Well now don't I feel like a dipstick. Should listen better. Thanks for spelling it out for me.

There should be a smiley smacking its face on the wall. The frequency that I alone would use it would probably merit the effort involved. :rolleyes:

Good one...My best bud had to go back to his work after hours one night. He set off the alarm and didn't get it shut off in time before the cops showed up, needless to say there were questions to be answered. A senior officer thought it would be funny to yell GUN! while he was being questioned by some rookies...OMG...guns came out and so did a little pee. It was a night my friend will never forget, and he always got the code to the alarm right form then on out too.
