Recent content by nhford

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  1. nhford

    Color finally 😍

    Love the green... Totally partial to green ;) Haven't read any other of your posts. Any side/ hood stripe going on? Color? Argent? : )
  2. nhford

    Parts Wanted 72 side mirrors rh / lh

    Sent you a pm...
  3. nhford

    Hello from the UK

    Hey there. Welcome from New Hampshire. My was orange / black when i bought it in '86. I bet that grabber Orange will be Sharp looking ; ). Can't wait to see.
  4. nhford

    Kamm Tail aerodynamics and our Mustangs

    Definitely need to see a pic of that radical mustang mod ; )
  5. nhford

    1971 Sportsroof

    Welcome from New Hampshire.
  6. nhford

    New member!

    Welcome from New Hampshire. Green is the way to go.
  7. nhford

    Need some carburetor help please!

    Alternative option! Just unbolt the carb, don't worry if anything happens to the intake. Go buy a nice new shiny one. Treat yourself. You and the car deserve it. : )
  8. nhford


    Welcome from southern New Hampshire.
  9. nhford

    New member

    Hey there. Nice '72 . Welcome from NH
  10. nhford

    Die Cast Model

    I'm curious why price for these low quality ( my opinion) diecast models have gotten so high the past 10 plus years. Over $100 for those? I collected classic diecast mustangs for a while. There was low quality $20 cars and then up to $100 $200 plus , real quality product. Easy to see the...
  11. nhford

    Greetings from Maine from a new member!

    Hey there neighbor. Welcome from southern New Hampshire.
  12. nhford

    Hello from southwestern Minnesota!

    Welcome from southern New Hampshire. Looking forward to a few pics!
  13. nhford

    Hey There! From Albany, NY

    Welcome from southern New Hampshire .
  14. nhford

    1971 FORD 429 4V and Transmission for sale

    How much for the Mel Torre? Ha!
  15. nhford

    Hello from Florida

    Hello and welcome from southern New Hampshire. I bought my mustang while in highschool also, 1986. It sat during college. Did a home resto job afterwards with much help from GF's dad and neighbor, engine, body, paint. Got it mostly done, stored at GFs home under cover. Few years passed, brought...