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    • sca5234
      sca5234 replied to the thread 71 Mach shut down.
      Update folks!! I got the cables recommended from CJ pony parts and worked on rewiring everything that looked like it needed some TLC ...
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    • sca5234
      sca5234 replied to the thread 71 Mach shut down.
      Satisfying yes! Tedious as all hell also yes haha
    • sca5234
      sca5234 replied to the thread 71 Mach shut down.
      Yeah it's exhausted me last year. I thought I was in a good place but with the input of others I have ground issues I need to resolve...
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    • sca5234
      sca5234 replied to the thread 71 Mach shut down.
      I did the removal process in September of last year and have been driving the car regularly. Something was bound to be missed by me from...
    • sca5234
      sca5234 replied to the thread 71 Mach shut down.
      Yes I ordered these the other night!
    • sca5234
      sca5234 replied to the thread 71 Mach shut down.
      Could use both, he just wired that so he could work on the car from the front easier.
    • sca5234
      sca5234 replied to the thread 71 Mach shut down.
      As promised here is the box of stuff I have removed as that extension cord went to electrical two button switch below which was right by...
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    • sca5234
      sca5234 replied to the thread 71 Mach shut down.
      Haha wait till I get home and I'll take pictures of the things I took out but that was ran to the front of the grill where a hand switch...
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    • sca5234
      sca5234 replied to the thread 71 Mach shut down.
      Ahh thanks for this! now this will feed my I can't just get one thing from this store mentality and browse some more 😂
    • sca5234
      sca5234 replied to the thread 71 Mach shut down.
      Yes previous owner didn't abide by that mantra 😆 quite the headache he has left me to resolve.
    • sca5234
      sca5234 replied to the thread 71 Mach shut down.
      Currently the negative Currently the negative is hooked directly to the engine block, included the picture. Should I have that attached...
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    • sca5234
      sca5234 replied to the thread 71 Mach shut down.
      Yeah I was showing someone what the before looked like when I first bought the car. it was overwhelming. Currently there is a ground...
    • sca5234
      sca5234 replied to the thread 71 Mach shut down.
      Yes voltage regulator is gone after the one wire alternator swap
    • sca5234
      sca5234 replied to the thread 71 Mach shut down.
      All that has been removed after a long tedious stint. This guy went absolutely bonkers on wiring adding fans, jump start mechanism under...
    • sca5234
      sca5234 replied to the thread 71 Mach shut down.
      Carb is doing it's thing. I'm trying my best to locate this ground strap right now
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