Recent content by Spike Morelli

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  1. Spike Morelli

    Aftermarket Accelerator Pedal Recommendations?

    Oh no 73 pony, never publicly admit to owning a Jetboat
  2. Spike Morelli

    Fender sealer

    3M also markets a strip caulk that works well. Applying it nicely takes a certain approach, I've found. When warm, the caulk will stretch as you peel it off of the paper and as you press it into position it tends to stick to your fingers better than whatever you're attaching it to. However, if...
  3. Spike Morelli

    Mecum Trip

    I can make out a Marti report on the windshield. I wonder what it says as to what we're seeing. The car is nice, but 50K is steep. My Mach looks just like this car, except for my hood black has not been clearcoated over ( don't think they came extra glossy ), and I know I added the side...
  4. Spike Morelli

    Mecum Trip

    $50,000 seems wrong for a car that presents to have details in this photo that may be owner/ restorer additions, and likely not Factory. But, without seeing the "as built" sheet, or inspection of components being repro or factory, it's anybodys guess. Did it sell?
  5. Spike Morelli

    Has anyone temp cured painted KYB gas shock absorbers?

    I don't know this for sure, but I am going to put this out there, that the paint on your shock absorbers doesn't require temperature curing. I think I would simply clean them up completely, sand and/or scotchbrite the tubes, and use a good quality paint of your choice. The shock absorbers are...
  6. Spike Morelli

    Model Car Kit

    722CONV, I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one building models. Your wall of display is cool, and fun. My Wife is retiring this year, the room right next to the entry is now her office but when she doesn't need an office anymore I'd like to turn that room into a little den. I might display a...
  7. Spike Morelli

    Connecting rods

    I have a set of DSS dished pistons, part # K1-3922-4040 ( .040 over ) with rings, never used, out in the garage, if anyone is interested.
  8. Spike Morelli

    Connecting rods

    It is a reality of life nowadays. Things that used to be available, whether it be parts or services, are near impossible to find, and if you do , the cost is prohibitive. Custom rod modifying used to be everyday operations. I used to be the engine builder at Valley Head Service in Los Angeles...
  9. Spike Morelli

    Fastest 71-73 mustang belonging to forum member

    Pretty soon some of the guys posting are going to be droppin' trou and comparing their've got to love the enthusiasm!
  10. Spike Morelli

    Fastest 71-73 mustang belonging to forum member

    Yeah, well one time, I did 120 MPH in rush hour traffic on the meridian backwards with all the windows down. I think my 302 2V had a bit more left in it, but my Sears tires were almost bald and the single muffler exhaust was taxed to the limit...........
  11. Spike Morelli

    351 4v heads

    The reason for the filling of the floor is to increase port velocity. Ford had been in the habit of making their cylinder head ports too small, or too large, from the factory, for performance street use. The factory port was designed for high RPM use, although a bit on the overkill side of...
  12. Spike Morelli

    Torque Converter Replacement

    I think TCI offers a new torque converter. As far as a transmission reprogramming kit, or, "shift kit", the company Trans-Go has all that you need from mild reprogramming to all out manual shift race kits.
  13. Spike Morelli

    Model Car Kit

    I've built models since I was in Elementary School. Airplanes, cars done mostly. I still do 'em today as winter indoor projects. The biggest problem is, what do I do with them when i'm done? I've got boxes of finished cars just being stored. As to a Mustang kit, the relatively new release of the...
  14. Spike Morelli

    Route 66 road trip!

    My Father and his family drove an old late 30s Dodge box truck from Niagara Falls to Los angeles back around the beginning of WW2 without mishap, save for a flat tire. Kids used to drive from various cities for days out to race on the dry lakes, then drive back. MY first car in High School was a...
  15. Spike Morelli

    How much is it worth/would you pay

    You know, I post now and again based on my opinion, most of that wisdom comes from having made most every mistake before, and I'm sure I present as too conservative. However, I am both a restorer and a drag racer in truth. I work at The Blower Shop, so no-nonsense horsepower is what I'm around...