Recent content by Tyson Blair

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  1. T

    Size Comparison

    Wow , the influence is of these two Italians could not be overstated. Thanks for pointing them out , it really puts it in perspective. 71-73 mustangs do appear to be cross-bred between the earlier mustangs and the exotics ! The rear of the 71 -73 mustangs is almost a facsimile of the Espenada...
  2. T

    Size Comparison

    That is a terrific explanation thanks for the first hand feedback.
  3. T

    Size Comparison

    Wow! a lot of good historical and factual documented references here. I am fascinated with the design of these cars but I feel my perspective is incomplete because I have never driven an older Mustang than 71. So how can I judge the validity of naysayers in terms of handling and driving feel? I...
  4. T

    Size Comparison

    this is an old threads that I missed out on but I find the topic interesting because the Mach 1 version of our cars is such a unique design that came and went at the tail end of the glorious era of American muscle never to be seen again. Ok detractors use phrases like ballooned and piled on yet...
  5. T

    Anyone ever find a drag coefficient for our cars?

    I know this is years prior but what tires do you use at those speeds?
  6. T

    Anyone ever find a drag coefficient for our cars?

    Hi, I know this is years after the fact but what were the engine / trans specs on such a monstrously fast machine?
  7. T

    Fastest 71-73 mustang belonging to forum member

    Thanks for explaining!
  8. T

    Headers for a 429 CJ/SCJ

    Oh that is interesting, thanks!
  9. T

    Fastest 71-73 mustang belonging to forum member

    You are doing it right with that garage. Are you sticking with concrete slab or are you considering some of the modern Textured coatings? Our new house the garage came with some kind of coating that is no slip and does not allow oily fluids to soak in and is real easy to clean. I have no idea...
  10. T

    Fastest 71-73 mustang belonging to forum member

    THAT is cool. It doesn’t stick up Ridiculously high like others I have seen. I love it. Besides a country dance what is a two step?
  11. T

    Fastest 71-73 mustang belonging to forum member

    Wow ! What a great explanation. My god that engine in a stock chassis! Yeah I can almost imagine. The only poly glass tires i ever drove were like rocks, can’t imagine the wheel spin! The revs jumping up high quickly makes me want to call Jon Kasse. Would you ever try a boss 429 on the street...
  12. T

    Fastest 71-73 mustang belonging to forum member

    Oh sorry I misread your post 428cj in the 69 gt500
  13. T

    Fastest 71-73 mustang belonging to forum member

    Do you use a trans brake? Please post a pic of that engine!