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  1. 6

    looking for front and rear spoiler

    You can paint ABS. Only way to get it to stick is to use Bulldog adhesion promoter, or some of the other qaulity product. Use catalised 2 part paint too!
  2. 6


    It will be there until the end April. And then in to the MOM
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  4. 6


    Went to check out the hero billitt mustang at the Lemay automotive museum. Hard to describe the feeling seeing this american automotive legend. Definately has a presence!!
  5. 6

    Sagging rear spoiler dilema

    There is nothing like original parts! I have one for $125. PM me if interested
  6. 6

    Dream Garages

    Or ....Milayna Vayntrub or Dana Delaney ::thumb::
  7. 6

    2F02R underway

    Well, it has been awhile since my last post on my 72 R. Been really busy on customer cars! I have had some time to strip the engine compartment and suspension and get it mounted on the rotisserie.  I will take it down to metal and start with the suspension build. Notice the greenish paint on the...
  8. 6

    New 351 C Blocks coming from TMeyer, Track Boss

    So Cool! I can't wait until these hit the streets! I ordered my alloy Cleveland in the first batch. 434 CI full roller long block for my 70 mach 1. Should dyno at 650-700 HP. Tim said there is a delay due to some engineering refinements. I will post some pics when it arrives!
  9. 6

    WTB 73 stuff

    I am looking for some interior stuff.  Standard speedo/tach bezel,  standard center guage panel, seat belt warning light, rear quarter panels any color just not beat up. Rear trap door rubber snubbers in the trunk. Also need full set of 73 slot wheels.  Thxx!
  10. 6

    What year seat is this

    Looks like 71 or early 72.
  11. 6

    1973 coupe parting out

    Needing a pair of front seats. Frames would be fine. I know shipping is gonna be tough...
  12. 6

    Marti issued VIN tags

    I'm looking for the metal dash VIN plate.
  13. 6

    Marti issued VIN tags

    Does Kevin Marti still issue/make VIN tags? I know he used to reproduce the metal dash VIN if you had everything in order.i may need one....
  14. 6

    got some shots of the car today

    Hot stuff! (Tell them to get their damn fingers off the trigger!)
  15. 6

    The Abandoned 71-73 Mustang thread

    C code. Been in the desert for 20+ years
  16. 6

    Hello from the Pacific Northwest

    Welcome from Gig Harbor Wa! What part of WA are you from?
  17. 6

    I am afraid the old car group is gone.

    Car interests are always changing. People need to find the next 'cool thing'. Very rare to have a cool car that lasts generations. Our cars are just a new big Rock in the stream that people notice, right now. In some years interests will move around our big Rock and find the next cool big rock...