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  1. C

    351c running poorly

    Honestly....when you said it was fixed I was puzzled by your description of the "fix". I was thinking what you described would have most likely made for a wandering misfire...not specific to a particular cylinder. When I made my suggestions I wasn't really thinking/realizing that most people...
  2. C


    Come on guys.....I kinda like it. My Mach had a receiver hitch when I first got it. Looked tough. Definitely a 70's look. Now if that's all metal and not bondo....I like it even better! 429cj engine...Hoo Ha, I bid on it
  3. C

    Steering Gear Box Leak

    That's good to know as mine is leaking a little but still tight and the variable ratio also. I didn't like the idea of replacing it.
  4. C

    Casting Numbers and Engine Codes

    You left out a 70/71 429 s/cj block: DOVE-A, this is the casting #, some, not all, were 4-bolt main. This is for Torino....not sure of the other marques. The D5TE block# is incorrect obviously....that is a 1975 460" truck block
  5. C

    351c running poorly

    Glad you got it figured out. Grant
  6. C

    Help identifying weird creature

    That's impressive knowledge. You forgot to mention it's one of the FASTEST arthropods also! :D
  7. C

    Muscle car Myths

    I have a 70 Torino Cobra 429 drag pac that everyone thought was a charger. It had the Dukes of Hazard wheels when I first got it and hideaway headlights I put on it. (since removed) I got a lot of "Nice Charger!" comments. Ha ha It outran all the Ford muscle of the day (even the Bosses) and...
  8. C

    351c running poorly

    Is it idling off the center carb only? If so, has it gotten a little colder weather wise lately? You might need to change jets in that one and I'd Definitely put a choke on the center carb. If it's idling off all three you could try the above and a different distributor and coil as well. Coil...
  9. C

    Engine hoist question.

    What they said, I almost always pull and install the engine/tranny together. As far as not making a mess.....I have several old driveline yokes that I stuff in the end of the tranny so no fluid coming out. You can get plastic versions as well.....
  10. C

    Ram Air Help

    I bought an MSD dist and then decided not to use it for that very reason. I ended up using a Pertronix and flame thrower coil with my stock distributor. NO complaints....
  11. C

    advice needed: roller rocker install, setting lash

    My shop manual gives three positions for the balancer to be in...TDC, rotated 180 deg clockwise, and rotated 270 deg or 3/4 turn, and the appropriate valves to adjust in each position. I usually rotate the push rods with my fingers while tightening the rocker until the pushrod quits rotating...
  12. C

    Just saw the movie "Interstellar"

    I am also a SCI FI nut, if only because I am also an ALIEN....and it's interesting to see humans imagining the way things are out there... :D I think the opening scene in 2001 kinda lets the audience know what it's about. An ancient alien race which nurtures and helps "lower" life forms "grow"...
  13. C

    351 c Differences

    I have some D3ZE heads that had the small valves.... Pretty sure they came off a 74 GT Ranchero. I put the BIG valves in with some pocket work. Still have them fresh from machine shop....
  14. C

    351 Boss intake manifold

    Probably the spread bore? If so, I've decided to go square bore Holley it was fairly cheap....I'd only be interested because of the numbers and the fact that my car came with it. Grant
  15. C

    Heater hoses from heater control module

    Here you go.... I think.... no year on it but looks correct.
  16. C

    New to site

    No, it could be almost any color, but it Would need the "options" to be truly exceptional,...... On the other hand, a plain "Jane" can be very rewarding. Especially if you are capable of "unconditional love". They ALL get you there....just in varying degrees of style.
  17. C

    Ford Casting Numbers Site Here are a few more resources...... unfortunately...
  18. C

    New to site

    Not with that car...unless you can remove a cross member....which that car does not, a removable one have.... I suppose you could lift it WAY up w a cherry picker.
  19. C

    New to site

    No, "W" would be a C-4, "X" is an FMX...strong tranny
  20. C

    1968 Ford Mustang Fastback Coupe

    Did you look at all the pics?? That car is terminally twisted!