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Nov 30, 2012
Reaction score
Twin Falls, ID
My Car
1973 Convertible, 351CJ, 5 Speed. Currently being restored. Projected finish date is some day.....
I think it was birthed from watching the Road Warrior or Madmax. I think it would be lees horrible if it was black and they loose the stupid trailer hitch. It is certainly unique.

Every time I look at the car I can't help but think of the Corvette from Corvette Summer.
Yeah... and that car was proof that not just any custom work will necessarily be a good idea.

The first thing that popped into my mind seeing the Mustang, "Oh - so they showed you how to do body work today in Auto Shop class, eh? Well, there's a 55-gallon drum of Bondo and some gel-coat left over from the hot tub... have fun!"

At least the upholstery shop did a nice job on the seats. ::thumb::

Come on guys.....I kinda like it. My Mach had a receiver hitch when I first got it. Looked tough. Definitely a 70's look. Now if that's all metal and not bondo....I like it even better! 429cj engine...Hoo Ha, I bid on it

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I am deff not a fan of the built in rear spoiler, only because it is ways too big. However, I think the car would look much better in black. In theory, wouldn't the engine and transmission be worth the current bidding price if they are in good running condition?

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Looks like a hot wheels car.
my wife said the same thing about it looking like a hot wheels car.

I think if he spent all of the time to do the body, he would have at least replace the cracked door panels, and cleaned up the engine compartment to make it look like a show car, maybe a cheap JC Whitney chrome dress up kit for the engine, and clean off all of the bugs off the radiator!!

the under carriage doesn't look bad :D

The best part of restoring that car will be the part where someone takes a sledgehammer to remove those huge built-up sections of Bondo and glassfiber.

That ought to be very rewarding and gratifying to un-pimp zie Mustang.


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