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  1. C

    1971 429 J code Pewter w/ black for sale

    Thanks Chuck, I suspect you are correct about the CJ being the same. I have one on my 72 "Q" convertible. I think I'll just leave them the way they are on both the cars.
  2. C

    Sound off if you have a Boss 351 or '72 R-code

    Just noticed this sub forum. OK, I have a 72 "R" Mach. I've already posted the Marti and some pics, sort of....I think in Intro's? Grant As would I !
  3. C

    1971 429 J code Pewter w/ black for sale

    I was about to order this kit after reading the thread this far (I WANT that car!) for my 72 "R" code Mach since the PO installed the ram air on my car but then....I remembered, (Tell me if I'm wrong) That my car never had ram air or even the option of having it....Probably not a good idea to...
  4. C

    New from Washington

    Thanks again to all for the welcomes, Our 7123's are EVERYWHERE ! Grant
  5. C

    Gas prices in your state

    I thought I was screwed till I saw your post, I paid $3.93 today here in Clarkston Washington for 92 octane. with10% ethanol :s Soon I'll be paying WAY more in Costa Rica.
  6. C

    Totalled's rebuild thread

    + 1, I'm with Chuck... not the rod nuts/bolts. It's the flex plate or .... an over weight piston (NOT!....doubtfully). Did you have the engine balanced? Well,.. every time it's happened to me (OK, once) the flex plate/flywheel was the problem.... I hear you on the 28 oz flex you bought but...
  7. C

    need advice with 351c head install

    + 1 I agree, head studs are overkill in most circumstances... As long no one has over torqued the head bolts and begun to stretch them they will work fine time and again.... It becomes obvious that they are stretching if you continue turning them and the torque reading changes little...
  8. C

    Disc brake upgrade/modernize

    True enough if you are not pushing them (the factory front discs), but I can tell you from experience that the stock single piston caliper (68 +)disc brakes fade rapidly (HEAT) in any kind of "spirited" driving. If you are putting aftermarket on the rear I would seriously consider doing the same...
  9. C

    Carb Rebuild Questions

    The short answer is 5/16 bolts are 21-25 ft/lbs, 3/8 bolts are 27-33 ft/lbs. The longer one, in three steps 10, 20, final. Sequence pass. side front to rear, 7,3,11,9,1,5. Driver side front to rear, 8,2,10,12, 4, 6. Draw a picture then the sequence will make sense. What trans and rear gear do...
  10. C

    Totalled's rebuild thread

    Hi Totalled, I probably should keep my mouth shut as you sound like you know what you're doing, but my money is on an out of balance/incorrect flexplate. You probably know that the later....after 77-8 sometime? SB went to a 50 something oz vs 28.5 oz balance. I doubt the front balancer would do...
  11. C

    New from Washington

    Hi "BOSS" and all you others, Thanks for the welcome. It IS nice to know there are some of us in the NW!
  12. C

    how did you get your 7173 mustang

    Thanks, I'm a sucker for the < $1000 ones... Yours looks like its green also with the rocker trim and mettalic silver instead of my gold?
  13. C

    New from Washington

    Will do.... I occasionally get over there if I see a particularly tasty car to check out and possibly buy. Thanx Ron, I'm already loving the site! Hey Luke, I have my share of vices....--hic,... hic ;), tahks foe the weelcom, wait,.. wait,.. what's happened to my spelling?? I may be headed...
  14. C

    New from Washington

    Hey Steve! :) We have to quit meeting like this! You saw it too hey. Wasn't it PINK or some such thing??:dodgy: No the 72 "R" isn't done yet.... though I did get it painted. I think I posted some pics under the "where did you find your 71-2-3. Check it out. I just found this site today and have...
  15. C

    Salvage yard parts that work on our 71-3's

    This is a no brainer but.... 9" 31 spline "N" cases and lower gears from 60's and 70's pickup trucks. Many have a trac loc also. How about 400ci clevelands from the larger cars, pickups. They are NASTY w 4V heads and a good build. You can find small block C-6's in many diff vehicles, Vans...
  16. C

    Carb Rebuild Questions

    Your jet sizes sound way to're not referring to your accelerator pump squirters are you? I believe the black soot has nothing to do with ethanol, you have other issues! Reversion, bent or non fully seating intake valves, mis-timed, jumped timing chain, loose intake? Not necessarily...
  17. C

    how did you get your 7173 mustang

    I was out jogging one day in 92-3? and saw this Mach with big knobbly mudders on it. Ran over to look at it and check the VIN as usual....It was an "R" code! Looked again and it was a 72 VIN? What the heck I'm thinking...they didn't make a BOSS in 72... Go home and do a little research...Hmmmm...
  18. C

    72 "R" code Mach I

    This site has already helped me realize I had a correct shifter stashed away for my Mach!
  19. C

    72 Mach1 H.O.

    Man! I am a happy camper now... (The shifter ball comments previously were what made me think of it) I was looking for a shifter for a RUG AZ big block tranny I have and a friend handed me that one a year or two ago! I was pretty sure it was wrong for that tranny because of the shift...