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  1. Mark Jones

    First Start Attempt

    Good Idea! Thanks
  2. Mark Jones

    First Start Attempt

    Thanks for all the help guys but as usual, the issue was something simple. A jammed up carb. I checked spark, re-found TDC, set spark @10 degrees BTDC. Nothing! Removed the carb and the photo tells all. The carb is being rebuilt as we speak. Should have it back on the engine Friday.
  3. Mark Jones

    First Start Attempt

    Yes, the engine was assembled at TDC and never moved until now. I will re-set the distributor @10 degrees BTDC I am using 1-3-7-2-6-5-4-8 (counter clockwise) as the firing order. Checking the internet, I get different sequences, but this one is most consistent. If I am wrong please tell me. I...
  4. Mark Jones

    First Start Attempt

    I will give it a try after all this rain slows down. The car is outside under cover and unless the rain stops, I cant do a thing. I will let you know how it goes. Thanks
  5. Mark Jones

    First Start Attempt

    Well, I made my first attempt at starting the new motor for the first time. No luck! It tried to start. A couple of cylinders fired at random but nothing. My buddy and I thought we weren't getting any fuel, so I quickly installed an electric fuel pump so that issue was eliminated. Still no...
  6. Mark Jones

    New member

    Welcome from SoCal Long Beach
  7. Mark Jones

    Does the back of my instrument cluster (IC) look right?

    I am right with you on parts pricing Steve. I have the same gripe. For example, Rock Auto sells a replacement 90 degree terminal and wire for the Temp gauge for $1.62 to $9.99 but the same wire and connector for the oil temp sender is $36 to $42. The threaded terminal on the Temp sender and the...
  8. Mark Jones

    Whats this part?

    Thanks for the info Spike. I am hoping mine still works so I dont have to purchase one.
  9. Mark Jones

    Whats this part?

    Thanks for the info Doug. I wondered why the door was open. Makes sense now. I will test operation with a vacuum pump and see if it still works. I hate to have to buy another one as they are very expensive.
  10. Mark Jones

    Whats this part?

    Thank You Hemikiller. I will check out Mustang Barn. Also thanks for the diagram. It answered a few other questions for me too.
  11. Mark Jones

    Whats this part?

    Does anyone what the part in the red circle is, what is does and where the vacuum line is connected? Oh course, when I got my Mustang, it was not connected. I see in the parts catalogs that it is very expensive to replace. I don't know whether to hook it up or remove it and weld a block plate...
  12. Mark Jones


    1972 Q code Mach1 4 speed
  13. Mark Jones

    1968 Ford wagon survivor

    Way cool wagon! Brings me back to my childhood. i like the open glass fuse mounted to the firewall. Is that factory?
  14. Mark Jones

    351 Cleveland Build

    I went through the same issues you seem to be having. Machining is expensive and to do it right is costly. I found the a company called Speedmaster makes a set of new iron castings of the Cleveland 4V heads with a choice of roller studs or OEM rocker posts. I went the roller route. The cost...
  15. Mark Jones

    Build Progress

    Happy New Year from Cali. I have been working feverishly to make progress on my project 72. I need to have it running and driving by March so I can transfer title and get new license plates. In any case, progress has been made. I want to thank all the members in 7173 mustangs for their...
  16. Mark Jones

    Tranny removal

    You bet I will! I am going to build them this weekend.
  17. Mark Jones

    Tranny removal

    Thanks Rio1856 for the videos of the car cribs. As long as I have been working on cars, I have never seen this approach. I am going to get started this weekend and make a set for my 72 so I can put the headers on. I was wondering how I was going to accomplish this but know I have 100% confidence.
  18. Mark Jones


    Welcome from Cali.
  19. Mark Jones

    Fuel Pump Eccentric

    Does anyone know why the cam fuel pump eccentric is 2 pieces? I purchased a Speedmaster adjustable timing gear set for my 351C/4V and the cam bolt buss slightly higher than normal (Taller than a stock cam gear buss). This is preventing the outer ring of the eccentric from touching the timing...
  20. Mark Jones

    New Guy! (Mississippi Cruiser)

    Good looking ride. Welcome from California