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  1. J

    Parts Wanted Front Row seat belt hardware.

    Looking for a clean seat belt latch-plate ( or tongue) like shown in the attached images. I could use either style. I only need the chrome plated tongue not the retractor assy. Thanks ! JPW
  2. J

    Power Window Wiring Routing

    I didn't see much on this topic in my searches or in the MPC. I am adding OEM power windows to my 1972 Fastback. All the donor hardware and wiring came from a 73 Fastback. Could anyone confirm as to where exactly the power window door wiring harnesses (reference the two special, molded-on straps...
  3. J

    When you're hot, you're hot.....

    Looking at the fuse box of a non-accessoried 72', I am curious if the one-side fuse lug in the accessory cavity is hot and can it be tapped into for some power? Could anyone confirm? See circled area in the attachment pic.... Thanks In advance! JPW
  4. J

    Parts Wanted FB Drip Rail Molding Wanted

    Looking for a very nice passenger-side drip rail molding for a 1971-73 fastback. No dents please, some light scratches are OK....... Thank you! JPW
  5. J

    Parts Wanted Sun Visor Hardware Wanted

    Hello -- Looking for a pair of 71-73 Mustang FB or coupe sun Visor hardware. Only need the mounting rods. Must have have nice chrome, no pitting.
  6. J

    Parts Wanted Rear Brake Hardware Wanted

    Looking for good, old OEM brake hardware that can be cleaned-up and reused. Need a pair of parking brake cable levers(R &L) and a pair of parking brake link bars as shown below. Must fit the 10 inch brake drum from a 351C Mustang or similar Ford car. Thank you ! JPW
  7. J

    Inner Tie-rod Question

    I have observed these two different inner tie-rods beings used on our cars. Can anyone tell me which may be the Ford OEM tie-rod and which may be a replacement item? Or perhaps Ford used both these styles over the years? Thanks in advance! JPW
  8. J

    More 1973 Mustang Engine Mounts

    While looking for the captured-style engine mounts for my 1973 351C Fastback, I came across these 1973 Torino / Ranchero / Failane engine mounts that appear to be very similar to the 1973 Mustang's. Can anyone comment on whether they will interchange? Thank you in advance. JW
  9. J

    Parts Wanted Avocado green door carpet - passenger side

    Looking for a very good condition, not-too-faded avocado deluxe door carpet. Passenger side only (but will buy both RH & LH). With or without the speaker cut-out is OK. If you have an otherwise non-usable, avocado deluxe door panel that has nice carpet, let me know! Thank you in advance....
  10. J

    Parts Wanted 1973 Mustang 351C engine rubber mounts

    I have the correct 73' frame brackets - Looking for two of the original captured style. Detroit area.
  11. J

    Parts For Sale 3-point Seat belts.

    One pair of new, unused RetroBelt®'s 3-point lap and shoulder belt kit. Never installed. Includes everything you will need to add a retractable belt system for two front seat passengers to your 1965-73 Ford Mustang. The 12-inch plastic sleeve makes this system perfect for installation in...
  12. J

    Fender Extension Seals Needed?

    Could someone confirm whether or not a front fender extension seal is used? I do not see an application for the die-cast front extensions like the rear quarter extensions. Also --- if no traditional rubber seal was used, does anyone have a nifty way to keep the joint from cracking paint? Thank...
  13. J

    Distributor Orientation Question

    Just finishing up the final touches on a 351C (M code converted to 4bbl) rebuild in a 1973 Mustang. The engine started nicely and I have run it in for 30 minutes or so. When I went to adjust the initial timing(vacuum line disconnected and plugged), the distributor vacuum pot is hitting the top...
  14. J

    Driveshaft Color Coding

    Hello Colleagues.     I would like to detail the drive shaft on my 1973 Mach 1. It came from the factory with the 351C 2V/C6 power-train and a 2.75 rear gear.  I do not have the build-sheet for the car. I would like to add the color code stripes to the driveshaft. I have determined the...
  15. J

    Power steering box conversions

    Hello Members,     Just wondering if any of you know of the feasibility of retrofitting the OEM 71-73 Mustang power steering gear boxes into the 69-70 Mustang? I am looking to get rid of the loose and leaking system on my 69 Mustang.  Thanks! :huh:
  16. J

    1971-72 RH Fender

    Looking for a very good 71-72 passenger fender for light restoration. Must be OEM. No junk or aftermarket items, please. I am in the Detroit area. Thanks! JW