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  1. G

    351c Build Ideas And Advice

    This is exactly what my engine does except it's around 2,700 rpm according to the factory tach. Loudest at cruise. Goes away during acceleration and deceleration. I compare it to someone rapidly shaking a jar of marbles. I heard on Car Talk one time that the exhaust heat riser flapper can make...
  2. G

    351c Build Ideas And Advice

    Describe the "2500 rpm Cleveland Clatter". What causes it? I think I may have it!
  3. G

    Vacuum hose routing

    Thank you very much for the info! I have a 73 Mach1 with the 351 CJ, manual transmission and no air. Calibration number 15A. As you stated, that calibration number is not in Vol 6 of the Shop Manual. I went to the dealership back in the early 80s to see if they had any additional info, but no...