Console clock and lights wiring question

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Dec 25, 2019
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My Car
72 Mach 1
Hello, I have been doing some bulb replacement in my 72 Mach 1 and I have a center console with clock and ashtray light. Here is the molded plug behind console but my problem is there is not another molded plug under dash to connect to. I'm assuming this console was put in by another owner and car did not come from the factory with it. I cannot find an original wiring assembly to buy anywhere on the internet. My question is could I buy a general 3 way molded plug (for example a wiring assembly for a trailer hitch) and splice my blue wire into a blue/red wire under dash, black wire into black wire that connects to the ignition switch and my green/yellow wire into the green/yellow wire that connects to the headlamp switch? I don't know much about electrical and do not wanna cause a fire or any other damage to something else. I'm not sure clock even works, even if I can not wire in the clock I would at least like the lights behind it to work as well as the ashtray light. I could replace the clock down the road with a quartz conversion if necessary. 

Any advice anyone could give me will be greatly appreciated!!

Every 7123 Mustang came with the 3 prong plug you're looking for. Find the 5 pin heater switch connector and follow those wires up until you hit a 3 prong plug with the wire colors you describe. It's there all right, unless a PO cut it off.

Every 7123 Mustang came with the 3 prong plug you're looking for.  Find the 5 pin heater switch connector and follow those wires up until you hit a 3 prong plug with the wire colors you describe.  It's there all right, unless a PO cut it off.
Thank you for the reply midlife. I found a 3 prong plug by the heater control wires but they have it plugged into a 3 prong plug going to the map light. That is the only one I found behind dash. Is that wired correctly or is that how they would've rewired the map light? The 3 prong plug going to the map light are all black until you get to the back of the light assembly where they connected to color coded wires (the photo i attached)

Nope. The map light is powered by the separate convenience package harness, containing a green/yellow, black/blue, and black wire. The clock console has a green/yellow, blue/red (dash lamp) and a black (ground) wire.

The map light will work (incorrectly) when plugged into the clock console harness.

Nope.  The map light is powered by the separate convenience package harness, containing a green/yellow, black/blue, and black wire.  The clock console has a green/yellow, blue/red (dash lamp) and a black (ground) wire. 

The map light will work (incorrectly) when plugged into the clock console harness.
Yes the map light would turn on. But if I'm reading the wiring diagram correctly would the map light come on when a door has been opened? Mine does not as the 3 prong plug I found did have the correct color coded wires you described that should be plugged into the console (attached picture). I do not see the g/y, bl/bu & bl prong plug. Maybe it's behind the glove box or it's been removed. I will get passenger side dash apart 2morrow when I can get car out of garage. Garage is too small and I'm too fat ?

Well after looking today I do not have the 3 prong plug behind dash that the convenience package would plug into. I do have the seat belt light that works (when i jumped it off the battery), the buzzer and two other connections above the glove box plugged in, the wiring going to passenger seat(but they cut those wires under the seat). I would like just the seat belt light to light up but not sure how to make that happen. When I tried to plug in the center console to it's correct 3 prong plug I kept blowing the fuse. So jumping that to see if bulbs would light up she sparked like crazy and ashtray light wires got warm instantly. Was a new console bought in '16 from CJ's so gonna unwrap those wires and try to find the dead short there

The convenience harness does not plug into the 3 prong plug (for the clock). It attaches to the passenger side door jamb with a pigtail and runs across the dash (feeding the map light, parking brake reminder, seat back latches, etc.). It gets its power from 2 sources: the ACC 3 prong plug extender (for the parking brake reminder light) and into a 3 prong plug battery power that comes in through the firewall for the seat back latching system.

The three prong plugs for the clock and map light have different colored wires across the plugs, indicating they are not to be mated together.


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