Cruise to Dearborn

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Jan 7, 2015
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Western North Carolina
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Multiple Mustangs!
Got this info from the MOM this morning. Going to do a Museum's Mustang Stampede and visit several museums including Gale Halderman and Rousch, along with Henry Ford, the assembly plant and then end up at the Mustang Alley and then Mustang Memories show. Aug. 11 - Aug. 16. Here is copy paste of the iinfo. I made the trip about 4 years ago sill see if still alive after the virus dies down. I have sore throat and sniffles today.

Museum's Mustang Stampede


[align=center]The Mustang Owner's Museum will host on August 11-16, 2020 the

Museum's Mustang Stampede.  Guests from all over the United States

are invited to participate in this "bucket list" event.



August 11th

 All Stampede Mustangs arrive at Dayton, OH Marriott hotel properties.  

(Hotel rates and locations to be provided once the contracts

are finalized.)               


August 12th

                   9AM Head to Gale Halderman's personal Museum  

                               (30 minutes travel time)                                                          

Noon (Lunch Location to be determined)

                       Arrive at Courtyard Dearborn (Across the street from 

                      Ford World Headquarters) (3-3:30 hours travel time)

                      7:00 PM Dinner at Ford's Garage (Private event room)

         Burger Bar with Ford Classic Burgers, Grilled

           Chicken Breast, Mac n' Cheese, fries and non-

                   Alcoholic drinks $24.95 per person                          


August 13th  

9:30AM Roush Museum   (20 min. travel time)

                     Lunch (to be determined)

                    2:00 PM  Piquette Museum (Group rate of $10 per person)


August 14th  

9:30 The Henry Ford Museum (10 min. travel time)

              ($34.95, discounted rate includes both The Henry Ford and

the Rogue Plant Tour)

      Lunch at The Henry Ford Cafeteria

                2:00 PM Rogue Plant Tour (transportation via bus only) 


 August 15th

Woodward Dream Cruise Ferndale, MI (All day) (30 min. travel time)

                     Mustang Alley 700 Mustangs on display  

(Registration to be part of Mustang Alley opens in April.)



August 16th  

Mustang Memories Car Show at Ford World Headquarters

                To register for the judged event, click here.  

(Optional if Cruise guests wish to be part of the Memories event.) 

          Special parking area for Mustang Stampede Mustangs.


Each guest on the Cruise will receive information to dining and parking options during the Mustang Stampede Cruise to Woodward Dream Cruise.


The Ford World Headquarters' Marriott Courtyard is offering a discounted rate of $99.00 per night with advance registration. (Normal rate is $180.00 per night.) Here is the link to book your discounted  

Mustang Stampede Hotel Rate: 



To register for the Museum's Mustang Stampede, click here.

MOM Members $40.00

Public                   $50.00


Dinner at the Ford Garage $24.95 per person


Event t-shirts $25.00/$28.00 2X/$29.00 3X/ $30.00 4X

Attraction ticket purchases will be made at the location(s) you are visiting.


All registered guests will receive a goodie bag, Stampede decals and Route Guide providing options for restaurants and parking.  


Cruise guests can meet the Stampede at the Dayton, OH hotels or leave with the group from the Museum.


The cruise is open to Mustang enthusiasts, from all parts of the  

United States, as this is certainly a bucket list trip for many enthusiasts.


Each year the Mustang Owner's Museum will host a cruise to a location

that is on the Mustang enthusiasts "bucket list". 


Please let us know if you have any questions as this

event is headed to Dearborn, MI.


Please send us an email with any question about the Stampede to[/align]

   [email protected]



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