Father's Day and Lee Harvey Oswald


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Jul 14, 2010
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St. Petersburg, Florida
My Car
1971 Ford Mustang Mach 1, 429 Super Cobra Jet, 4.11, Detroit Locker
IMG_1099.JPGIMG_1105.JPGIMG_1107.JPGIMG_1115.JPGIMG_1114.JPGIMG_1100.JPGI am in Dallas, Texas visiting my middle son and his wife. He is attending my seminary alma mater (some 30 years ago) here. Once again, I visited Dealey Plaza and took these pix. With Father's Day just around the bend, I am reminded of the lengthy but sad biography of Lee Harvey Oswald, a fatherless boy, born in New Orleans, but ending up perched in a 6th floor sniper's nest in the Texas School Book Depository on November 22, 1963. Vincent Bugliosi's lengthy book, Reclaiming History, recounts the sobering events that occurred when a insignificant and frustrated, fatherless boy--who always wanted to be somebody important but never achieved such, finally found a way.

The two X's on Elm Street mark the location of Kennedy's Presidential Limousine when Oswald's 2nd and 3rd shots found their mark. Look and weep. Look for the fatherless boys around you and make a difference in their lives. Thanks for reading this. Ponypastor, 6/12/2011

I did not know those facts about Oswald, I'm a little embarrassed to admit. Fatherless and born in New Orleans.

As a father to a 6 year old son, it becomes more apparent every day the need for me to set a good example and be a good mentor... Of course I was fortunate to have a great role model myself, who somehow managed to raise eight of us!

A shout out to all the pastors here! Yall do some heavy lifting when it comes to reaching the young ones and parents! Thanks.
